feminism/ feminismo / féminisme

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oK, let me tell you all a very funny story.

so I  walked  into fucking school monday morning all chill and shit, like  okay this is going to be a good fucking day. I go to my squad's hangout  place which is underneath the stairs (weird af I know, but el e ma o),  then my friend just goes up to me and says

"oh my god, ariana grande is becoming so slutty"

I'm just there like hold the fuck up yo, what do you even mean by that. In a few seconds, all my friends around me agree.

"yeah, like in focus, and like the clothes she wears, it's really slutty, she's like a slut"

on this day, I realised how uneducated AS FUCK my friends were. yooooo THIS IS WHY WE NEED FUCKING FEMINISM okay, it makes me so pissed, like really really pissed. I spent the whole damn day thinking about it.

AND Y'ALL, feminism is not misandry (females who hate on men),

FEMINISM IS THE BELIEF OF EQUALITY FOR ALL and women are the main focus right now.

I  was coming up with a bunch of ideas and stuff to have more world topics  and issues be taught at school because this made me really upset and a  little bit of me died inside.

#icanteven #like i really cant even #like stop #like omg

au revoir

- Ro

and no, this isn't a rant, just my feelings about stuff really. lmao.

feelings of a gullible teenagerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon