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A/N: I just wanna start off by saying that it's been a solid 2 years since I read khr so forgive me if it seems ooc or if I got something wrong/forgot to mention something. Also, there is some hint of 1827 if you squint (probably just gonna be pining on Tsuna's part) and possible 6927 in the future - forgive me for that but they were my first ships in khr so writing it just comes so naturally to me! This is a 5927 fanfic in the end though so please don't worry! Please reach out to me if you spot a mistake, thank you! QuQ


"It's so refreshing to eat out on the roof like this!" Tsuna stretched his arms while sitting crisscrossed, his lunch on his lap.

The sun was shining bright and the heat mingled with the wind perfectly, creating the most serene atmosphere - something Tsuna could get used to in the midst of all the chaos he encounters. The cherry blossoms were beginning to bloom and the brunette's first thought went to a certain cloud guardian of his. Tsuna was glad that Hibari was able to get over his weakness of cherry blossoms as the days went by. The only thing he said about getting over it was that "having a weakness was annoying and a herbivorous trait". Tsuna had wanted to mention his weakness of not talking with others but he was sure Hibari would either bite him to death or say it was a strength, rather than a weakness. It might even be both.

"Gotcha!" Yamamoto grinned ear to ear with Tsuna's futomaki roll between his chopsticks.

"EHHH?!" Tsuna shrieked. "H-hey! You have your own lunch, Yamamoto! Give it back!"

"Baseball idiot! Give Juudaime back his food now!" Gokudera attempted to aid Tsuna by pulling out sticks of dynamite from who knows where. Tsuna sure doesn't want to know.

Yamamoto simply chuckled and ate the roll whole.

"Hey, at the very least, use the soy sauce!" Tsuna frowned melodramatically. "Your dad owns a sushi shop, for Pete's sake! Did you really need to do that?"

"No," Yamamoto said cheerfully. "But it was your own fault for drifting off like that!"

"Oi, oi! Don't be rude to Juudaime!" Gokudera seethed. He had reluctantly put his dynamite back upon glancing at Tsuna's look of disapproval. Tsuna was also looking pretty miffed at the moment so Gokudera put it into his own hands to protect his happiness.

"Ah, it's fine Gokudera..." Tsuna mumbled solemnly. "It was just one. Besides, it is kind of my fault for being so...out of it on a great day like this. Who knows when we'll be able to see the cherry blossoms like today?"

"Well..." Gokudera sat himself to the right of Tsuna, Yamamoto on the left. "If you say so."

Yamamoto gave Gokudera a knowing look and giggled into his hand.

"THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT, BASEBALL IDIOT?!" Yamamoto simply giggled harder, this time not even trying to hide it. "YOU WANNA FIGHT?!"

"No, no! I was just thinking," Yamamoto smiled widely. Or maybe it was a...smirk? No, that can't be right. Yamamoto doesn't smirk. "You really go out of your way to protect Tsuna, huh? Almost as if you were..."

The other two looked at the swordsman intently, waiting in anticipation. "As if we were what?" Tsuna asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Well, it's like..." Yamamoto frowned, searching for the right words. "Well, you know how in video games you play as the hero who saves the princess from danger?"


"Uh, yeah, um, it's kind of like, the way that 'Dera acts with you," Yamamoto held back a laugh and exhaled slowly to compose himself. "It's almost as if 'Dera is the hero and Tsuna is...the princess!"

"WHAT THE HELL KIND OF CRAP DO YOU THINK YOU'RE SPOUTING, BASTARD?!" Gokudera was throwing the sticks of dynamite at Yamamoto, not even attempting to light them up. Simply hitting the boy with the sticks were enough. "I ONLY ACT THAT WAY BECAUSE I'M JUUDAIME'S RIGHT HAND MAN!"

Tsuna, meanwhile, stayed where he was, observing the two teens running around the roof. While trying to will his blush down, he couldn't help but let his mind wander once more to a particular prefect. Ah, if they continue to be this disruptive then Hibari might--

"Damaging Namimori with your weapons and disturbing the peace?" A raven-haired boy stood tall on the ledge of the roof, glaring down at the three friends with menacingly narrowed eyes. He jumped down to their level, standing shorter than Yamamoto and about the same height as Gokudera. He towered over Tsuna and although the brunette had taller friends, Hibari had always seemed to be on top, somehow. "I'll bite you all to death."

He held out his tonfas and proceeded to gallop towards Yamamoto, a glint in his dark eyes. Yamamoto, not holding a weapon at all, attempted to run away because although he had gotten stronger over the months, he was still weaker than Hibari and his cruel punishments. Hibari tripped Yamamoto and stepped onto his back harshly, slamming Yamamoto's face into the pavement of the roof. Leaning down just so, he flung the tonfa across Yamamoto's face. Swelling began to form just below his right eye, blood seeping from the cuts on his cheek.

Gokudera grabbed Tsuna roughly by the wrist, paying no heed to the yelp that escaped Tsuna's lips. The storm guardian fled the scene as quickly as he could, more for Tsuna's sake than his own, before Hibari struck him once in the area between his shoulder blades. Gokudera squawked incoherently and tried to reach the place where he was hit, as if touching it would relieve the pain. Hibari kneed Gokudera in the stomach, clutching the sleeves of his shirt to bend him over. Gokudera groaned and fell to his knees, gripping onto his stomach and eventually toppling over in a fetus position.

"Now then." Tsuna backed away into a wall, his eyes bulging and his hair even more unkempt than usual due to his distraught. Hibari edged closer to him while smirking. His bangs cast a shadow over his eyes but still, the bright glint was present. Like a cat catching the mouse, Tsuna thought miserably.

Hibari stopped when he got so close to Tsuna that Tsuna could see every detail of his uniform, the small crinkles where the it folded slightly, the little tear on his armband, the speck of blood that had managed its way on the white of his shirt. Hibari raised his tonfa so that it stopped just below Tsuna's chin. He slid the tonfa along the line of Tsuna's jaw, the smirk still present.

Tsuna squeezed his eyes tight, preparing himself for the impact of Hibari's tonfa when instead of the harsh blow of the prefect's weapon came upon his head, a soft pat of a gloved hand replaced it.

"It's good to see you again, Tsunayoshi."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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