Grell X Reader (Official)-Part 1

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This is my official
Grell X Reader
I hope you enjoy!
Story made by-Breana M.
I was walking in the road's of London hearing the horse's go by *clip clop* *clip clop* Like always it was a lovely day in London it was, but yet pretty chilly. As I walked by all the polite men and beautiful women and stubborn children, I heard a loud thud, "A-a body?!" as a noticed it fell from a building "suicide?", I was startled, I stepped back without even noticing ,then a man, I believe,pulled me back to the sidewalk, making my body meet with his chest, with such a soothing voice "You should be more carefule , you almost got hit by that carriage!" He said,with a smile, my mind went blank "Are you okay my lady?" I noticed I was just staring blankly at him! "Oh! Uh-yes, of-course,thank you" I said while giving a great smile "You have such a bright smile"he said, "Oh,heh, why thank you!" I blushed , "Say,I haven't introduced myself to you , I'm Grell Sutcliff ,and you are?" Well I'm (Y/N)" what a gorgeous name, might I invite you over? It's very cold out here" He gave a smile,and I finally noticed,and whispered to myself "Sharp teeth?"
"What's that?" "Oh,n-nothing!"
As I turned around to see the body again,it wasn't there anymore-
-just a man in black
With a book.
...Continues in part 2...

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