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All alone

Trapped within the darkness of mind

Devoid of contact from the world, or connection from mankind  

Wrapped in a blue cotton shield 

Lying on a bed with no hope for scars to be healed

Filth covering from head to toe

Hair down to the ears while scruffy beard began to grow

Hating everyone and everything

No interests, no happiness, no joy to bring

Awake through the night with tears streaming down

Troubling thoughts swim but soon start to drown

Alone within a hollow shell

Struggling, squirming as the mind and body go through hell

Nothing but silence around and whispers within the mind

Searching for what was lost, not knowing what to find

Alone... I'm all alone

"We all feel alone at one point or another. Trapped within a prison we create. But there are others out there who understand and who know what its like. Just stay strong. Loneliness passes." - Han_Man

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