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I wasn't looking for anything when he crashed into my world. And maybe I should have told him that when we met. But I also didn't want to fall in love with anyone so soon after my last breakup, but I did. Even though I told myself not to.

You know when you love someone and it completely, changes you? When the love is truly, utterly, conclusively all consuming? Well that's how I felt about Harry. But loving someone like that has its disadvantages. I hid my feelings to protect his feelings, because I knew that if he knew half of the things I was keeping from him - guilt would consume him and things would start to crumble.

But after a while, things started to crumble anyway. I don't know when, or how it happened, but it did. And I pulled the panic cord, because that's the only thing I knew how to do. I ran when things got tough.

Most types of love came with heartbreaks. I'd learned that over the past couple of years. Love broke you into tiny little pieces and left you scattered on the floor.

But some types of love left you flying. The heart fluttering, eye sparkling, butterflies in your tummy kind of love. And I was 99.9% sure that that was the kind of love I had found with Harry. The kind of love that never faded or disappeared. But sometimes that tiny 0.1% wins, and all of your hopes are crushed - which left me thinking, maybe all types of love ended in heartbreak and some people were just better at hiding it than others.

I was positive Harry and I would last, but it seemed that the world was against us. And let's face it, Harry Styles can't do any wrong, can he? So of course, it was all my fault we were falling apart at the seams.

Panic Cord {Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now