Chapter 1

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I was absolutely baffled while reading the email that was sent to all the servers working tonight's event

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I was absolutely baffled while reading the email that was sent to all the servers working tonight's event. Why out of everything did we have to wear a tight black pencil skirt, a white long sleeve blouse (top three buttons undone) and black high heals'? I would much rather wear my usual black polo shirt and black slacks, but whatever the host wants the host shall get. I understand that the business men want the people serving their event to look nice, but this, this was disgusting. I definitely understand having to dress up a bit more nicer, but having the top three buttons of my blouse undone, and by request! I surely did not know what I was getting myself into when I told my boss I would work at this event. I quickly arose from my bed and ran over to my room mate's room. I swiftly opened her door (without knocking) and leaped onto her bed.

"Lily did you see what we have to wear to tonight's event?" I shook her body harshly, maybe a little too harsh. I causally remove my hands from her shoulders and mumble a quick 'sorry' for my previous actions. I then raised my eyebrows at her as she unlocked her phone and began to read her email aloud.

"What the actual hell?" Lily replies absolutely dumbstruck to what she just had to read. "THREE BUTTONS UNDONE? Who the fuck are we serving, horny fourteen year old? This is precisely the most sexist thing I have ever read, Women have to dress up in skin tight material and make sure skin is showing just so men can be content? I am actually disgusted right now, please hand me the trash can because I am about to throw up!" Lily closed her sapphire eyes and tugged at her blonde hair. She got up from her bed and took a few steps over to her closet and harshly opened it. While Lily was digging through her closet I decided I should probably go get ready as well. Because even though I was not thrilled about that night I still had to go, considering it is a well paying job (the rich Dick heads always leave a nice tip) and well, I had to pay rent on that expensive apartment I half-own.

After about twenty minutes I was completely ready for work, makeup and all. I told Lily that I was about to leave and she walked out of her room looking breath taking. When I looked at Lily all I saw was -of course- my best friend, but also someone I will never be nearly as beautiful as. Lily was everything I was not, she was gorgeous, confident in her own skin, and was extremely sociable. I on the other hand had my times where i could look pretty, but overall I was small lanky, socially-awkward girl, who could literally scare people away with her face. Although, I was trying to work on myself to become not so unsocial. My waitressing job did somewhat help me with it. But sadly waitressing could not change the way I looked so even if did work on my socializing skills, why would it matter if not a single boy would ever want to talk to me?

"All ready?" I faintly smiled at Lily, after asking the question she quickly nodded her head and we then began our journey to work.


"People will be arriving any minute now! Everyone make sure they look presentable and of course be nice to our guests after all they are the people who will tip you! If I hear that anyone was being rude I will have no hesitation to fire you, understand?" Everyone answered the question that was asked and we broke up and we began to pour champagne in glasses and set them on our serving trays.

"Everyone get in your designated area. Doors will open in three, two, one." And just like that hundreds of men were flooding into the room. I heard plenty of 'hello's, and 'welcome's but I have yet to say either. Since I was only a server I really did not say a lot, if anything I really only say "would you like some champagne?" Which I was most certainly not complaining about, because like I said I was not the best at conversing. Once everyone was settled and people were starting to have their own conversation amongst themselves I decided to start walking around.

"Excuse me sir would you like a glass of Moet and Chandon?" Three heads turn around after I was done talking. They all looked at me for a second top to bottom and finally proceeded to answer.

"Yes love, we all would like a glass." A man with a thick British accent said to me. I quickly glanced at his crystal eyes, and then I proceeded to take three glasses, one by one, off the tray and hand them to each man in front of me.

"Have a nice night, if you need anything do not hesitate to ask me." I said and began to turn away but suddenly someone latched onto my hand and placed something in it. I turned my head and saw the crystal eyed man smirking at me, although that made me feel extremely uncomfortable I gave him a small smile and began, again, to walk away. Once I was far enough away I unclamped my hand and saw a stack of money in my palm, it had to be at least eighty dollars but I did not want to be rude and count it then, so instead I placed it in my bra (how classy of me) and continued serving people champagne.

Once my tray was empty and my bra was a few hundred dollars heavier I decided to go put my money in the back room and get more glasses. I quickly sneak off and put my money away without a hassle, while I was over there I counted how much I had received in tips and it seems to be that i have made about three hundred dollars so far, which is quite unbelievable. I am beyond ecstatic with the amount I have made so far. I walk back over to the bar and get new glasses and begin to pour the champagne into each glass until I am interrupted by a caramel skin man with big brown eyes.

"Hello, be a doll and get me a whiskey on the rocks. Now." He said firmly with a strong British accent, I was lost for words he looked so intimidating. I am most certainly not a bartender but I did not want this guy to make me lose my job.

I gave this cold hearted man a genuine smile, pearly whites and all and said:

"I actually am not the bartender I am a server but I am sure Amelia, who happens to be our bartender would love to serve you."

"I do not fucking care who you are or who Amelia is, I want a drink. I am sure you would not want to have your boss hear about this one." He viciously smirks at me, I nervously bite down on my lip and begin to make his drink. I mean I guess it will not be too hard it is just whiskey, and some ice.

I get a small glass from underneath the island and put four ice cubes in the cup. Four seemed like the appropriate number, I do not really know three seemed like not enough and well five just seemed like too many. I then get a bottle of Glenfiddich off the shelf and began to pour. I stopped about three quarters of the way full and gave it to the extremely impolite man.

"Here you are sir." I said as nicely as I could but in reality all I would love to do to this man right now is punch his teeth in for how rude he was to me. He huffs in annoyance and slides the drink closer to him.

"It's about time."

Author's notes: I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I have wanted to write this fan fiction  ever since 1 to 2 years ago.  My friend and I were talking about how there are not many Liam fan fictions (we could find) that portrayed him as, well, an ass. So I give credit to my friend thedarklarrie69 for helping me write this and reading my chapter before I post them. Please go show her some love!!
Also I'll post the next chapter when this chapter gets 10 reads, some hearts and comments. I will not have a set schedule for posting because I am currently in school right now. But I will try my hardest to have one out every 1 to 2 weeks!! Lastly, send me gifs for a chapter on tumblr I'll give you a shoutout on the chapter i use it in.Shutup1d xx.
Tumblr: gifs-pics-for-fic

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