Heart Broken; A Harry Styles Love Story

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This is the story of how I met the love of my life. Or so I thought. I was young and in love without a care in the world. I was the type of girl with her head in the clouds and never really bothered about reality. But, now I realise how stupid I was back then. I will never forgive him for what he did and I will never forgive myself. I have let go of the past and moved on to a brighter future. But then I had to bump into him while shopping. My name is Kayleigh Bryce and this is my story.

~2 years ago~

'Kayleigh, were gonna miss the flight if you dont hurry up.' I sighed. 'Im coming Jenna.' I live in CA, America with my mom and my little brother kenny. I never knew my dad. But my mom always says that I wouldnt want to. Just recently my bestfriend Jenna has moved in with us as he mom got a new job in boston and she didnt want to leave me behind. I think its awesome that she lives with us. We dont get into fights or anything, we are pretty much doing better than when she didnt live here. Today were leaving for the UK were going to be staying in London. Its going to be great. Well, at least I hope so.

'Im coming.' I shouted. I dragged my two suitcases down the stairs and out the door. I packed them into the cab and looked up at our house. 'I know its only going to be a couple of months, Jenna.' I sighed. 'But im really gonna miss this place.' She smiled and pulled me into a hug. 'Im going to miss this place too. But we'll be back before you know it and we are going to be having so much fun.' She squeeled. I laughed at her sudden burst of hyperness. We jumped into the cab and waved at my mom and kenny. I was going to miss them the most but at least it was only a couple of months and the time would just wiz but just like Jenna had said to me.

I tucked a string of my long black hair behind my ear and looked out the aeroplane window. It looked like a big green carpet with toys scattered across it. I sat back and breathed in and out slowly. I turned to see Jenna reading like she usually does. Yes she was a bookworm. Although she didnt look like she was. She had light blonde short bob styled hair. I had long black straight hair. She had bright blue eyes and I had dark brown and she was pale while I had naturally tanned skin. I thought she was much prettier than me but she always objected to it and said that I was just as pretty as she was.

We arrived and clambered off the plane. I had serious jet lag. I stumbled through the lobby and collected my suitcases and Jenna collected hers. We got into the cab or as its called 'taxi' and drove off.

~2 hours later~

We were unpacking our things. After that we would be heading down to the pool so I grabbed my baby blue bikini and matching towel. I slipped on my bikini and put on some lotion since it was such good weather I was going to relax and sunbathe. I pulled up my hair into a messy bun and slipped on my sunglasses. Jenna was wearing her pink bikini and matching towel. She covered herself in lotion and made sure it was water proof she was going to go into the pool but I told her I wasnt and she just whined at me. She pulled up her hair into short pony tail and shoved on a pink headband. She took her sunglasses and we ran down to the pool. I grabbed a sunbed and set everything down. I started to read my book.]

Jenna keeped begging me to go in the water. I kept on refusing and she went in by herself. She came back twenty minitues later with two boys about our age. One of them had blond/brownish hair. He was quite short and had a cute little baby face and bright blue eyes. The other boy had curly hair and a cheeky smile on his face with his dimples showing a lot and his peircing green eyes were sparkling. I seriously wanted to touch his curls. Oh snap out of it Kayleigh.

'Kayleigh. This is Niall.' She said pointing to the boy with the blond hair. 'And this is Harry.' Pointing to the curly haired boy. They looked familiar. 'Hey, you guys look familiar.' Jenna laughed at me. 'There from the x factor boyband One Direction?' I nodded. 'Ah, now I remember.' I smiled at them. 'Well, its nice to meet you both.' Harry smirked. 'The pleasures all mine.' He took my hand and kissed it. I laughed. 'You are such a flirt, you know that.' It was my turn to smirk.

He grinned cockily. Niall was too busy talking to Jenna. They were getting along quite well. I was actually surprised at the fact they were even here and havent been noticed. Hmm. Well they were wearing hoodies and glasses so I suppose that would help. 'So what are two lovely ladies like you doing here in London, I mean your not from here, I can tell from your accent.' Harry said grinning. 'Yup. We are actually from America if you must know. We are here for two months on holiday.' He smirked. 'Well theres a lot that you can do in two months.' I slapped his arm. 'Cheeky.' I smiled.

'Hm. But its just the way I am.' He smiled. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. No. You can not fall for this boy Kayleigh and plus he is a flirt and your only here for two months. So might as well live it. A little voice in the back of my head was saying and ofcourse I went with it because I am so bloody thick. We flirted until we reached our room. If this was a game that he was trying to play with me and I must say he was sure acting like it. Then; Game on!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2011 ⏰

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