Twisted Love(a roc royal love story)

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    Monee p.o.v

 Hey,I,m monee i am 15, i go to falls high  i

live with my mom.My dad left when i was 2

so its just me in my mom.We live in a big

town named gravity falls(couldn,t think of

anything else)that how my school got it name.I,m the queit to myself person i don't 

really have friends.I love art i draw alot it help me think,so i go places where its peaceful mostly the woods.

Trey p.o.v

 what's up???!!!!I'm Trey i am a vampire i'm 150years old i go to falls high.My friends are ray,prod,and prince.People don't really like us its either cause we don't talk to other people or they are scare of us!!!!We don't like them either you step to us u get beat up,but they don't understand us.

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