The facts

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Okay, so there's like a tag or whatever going around which i got an email about, and I had a spare 10 minutes, so bugger it, I'll join in.

Here's my totally interesting (lies) 20 facts about me. Thats SomeGuy. Me.

Oh, and I was tagged by SkyLinerKay ... So there, you get your wish.

1. My name is actually Dom. You might know that already if you care.

2. I am doing game design at Uni, which is pretty groovy.

3. Im already bored of these facts.

4. I can't count.

6. I once got kissed by CaptainFluke. No, twice. That was pretty hot.

7. I was once depressed, medically, but I got over it. This was due to my OVERWHELMING BADASSNESS.

9. The room Rage streams in is WAAAAY smaller in person.

10. People who do fan art / fanfics about / for me astound me. I am no one with no talent, stop being nice to me. What the actual hell peeps? I love you, stop being nice to me.

11. I was the one who faked the moon landing.

12. I was also the one who did up Fluke's corset for the HalloWiiKend. It was pretty good right?

13. I have the most intense Bro-Mances you will ever know. Ever. EVER.

14. Booty or Boob? No. Booty = Boob.

15. Im so gay that the spectrum loops back round and makes me straight again.

16. I used to write fanfics and stories? Remember that? Maybe I'll do it again someday.

17. I liked the Star Wars prequels. When I was 10. Now... they're okay. Eh.

18. I live with 4 housemates, they're such nerds.

19. I am almost 19 at time of writing, my birthday is on English Remembrance Day. It kinda sucks.

20. I cried at the end of the Telltale Walking Dead Game.

21. Im going over 20 facts.

22. Okay I'm stopping now.

Eyy okay so that was 20 facts or whatever, You're welcome.

I tag: Anyone, I don't care. Do a facts thing and say that I tagged you. I wanna know about you. Your deepest, darkest secrets. Things you don't tell your mother. Things you have only spoken to the dark in the dead of night.

Okey bai <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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20 Facts Tag which for some reason I'll actually do. This title is long.Where stories live. Discover now