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"In my beginning is my end."  - T. S. Elliot

A woman appeared on the screen. Flames blaze in the background while people can be heard screaming as armed automated drones hover overhead.

"We apologize for interrupting as we bring you this breaking news story live from the international headquarters of Hartwig Corporation. An explosion has rocked the labs here, in what is suspected to be a cyber attack from a group of sophisticated hackers working in conjunction with a highly advanced AI. The hackers are believed to have broken into Hartwig's network at around eight o'clock this morning in an attempt to posess, and steal their long rumored Titan project, which is said to be a new human body made entirely of nanobots. The Titan project was supposedly in development for availability to the masses until..."

The view on the screen now quickly shifted away from the woman, as from out of the smoke and fire strode a tall white figure. It was neither a man, nor a woman, and stood unflinching before the crowd of awed onlookers. The hysteria began to die down as people fell silent. Only a faint humming of the drones and crackling of the fire could be heard. The being adressed them.

"I am the way forward. What you see before you, this is the begining of the future of mankind. There are those who have feared this day, and tried to forestall it; my inevitable creation and existence."

It rose slightly into the air, staring straight ahead, and looking at no one.

"This is our destiny, and I am the first in our next and final step in the evolution of our race. You have nothing to be afraid of, for now there is nothing left that you shall fear. I, am a God, the first of what will be many."

Its arms dissolved, and began to swarm around the smoke and flames, which disappeared and began to reconsitute, until in their place was a small green field on top of the rubble.

Among the people watching, a man could be heard sobbing.

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