Maximoff Manor

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     Raven recalls her years as a young Connoisseur at the metallic manor of Maximoff. While it is true that her experiences there and the Maximoff's secretes that she holds are relevant to the story. They might not offer as much insight into the mind of the mad Maximoff. In the native town of Bastria, at the head of the bustling crowd, stood a magnificent maroon metal structure with a dark violet trim.

     A metal throne room inside the manor extends in the middle of the first floor, and in the middle of the room sat a throne, at the peak was a huge dark violet-plated capital M, dark red shards poke out the sides, with a rough look yet a smooth texture, and a similar color pattern to the outer color of the manor.

Latveria  has surpassed Basatria as Germany's richest, and most populated, but when Raven worked there, Basatria was still the busiest, and richest dozens of people of unruly nature arrived and departed daily. It was her job to recover their buried secretes at any cost, or fee, which was possible for Maximoff to pay since he was the richest man in Basatria.

   A portion of his money was sent away to a house that he visited once maybe twice every year. Thus Raven was the most trusted, wises, caring, friend he had, and the only one he'll ever have since his own people can not tolerate him.

  Maximoff's wife, Magda had been among the first to be the one to disappeared in Basatria of unknown circumstances. Raven admits that Magda still harbors a love for the old man, although loving him is like loving a double edged blade that can cut threw anything, in that you cannot hold it too tightly without killing yourself. For example, her renowned technics, as Sherlock Holmes, who was the partner to the presiding call girl of London, Irene Idler, during the infamous Sherlock Holmes Trails and sent a thousand guilty people to there deaths. She feared her hands so stained with their blood that still remains today on her skin. Since she had never found any evidence that she sent a innocent to their death, she still felt like in some way, she inherited her own shame in her new life; and tried in whatever way possible to atone for her sins so Sherlock Holmes changed her name back to Raven Darkholme and moved to Basatria, Germany away from Idler and London. Away from a land where the line between guilty and innocent was blurred into the shadow of guilt.

  Of course, her very existence might seem rather a fairytale for the religious fanaticism of many Christians. For in their dedication to their faith and their opposition to any kind of forgiveness, they would be appalled to think that she sent and convicted a thousand to their deaths. She had kind deceitful eyes that make a living by telling stories, in their eyes she would always be forgiven but she couldn't give up a life so lined with destruction and chaos.

    Returning, however, to her point, the Maximoff Manor had already been there quite some time before she began work again, and as old man tend to do, Maximoff had accumulated a vast store of dusty boxes and barrels and stacks of long forgotten items up in the attic. So the man decided to use some of his spare time to go through his collection, a little at a time, and what was valuable enough to dust off and keep when he wasn't busy with his unearthly experiments.

It was a stormy night, Maximoff made a discovery. Untying a faded yellow tinted letter, he discovered inside a deep thought out letter about the topic love, covered with cursive lettering. The letter was of extremely fine craftsmanship. That ether ended with Sincerely, Red or Sincerely Blue. He knew very well that Blue was Darkholme's pen name and Red was the mystery man.

In the same pile he found letter was a stack of pages, a diary of lovers, which explained the history of why Raven came back. Raven Darkholme who lives in Basatria and came back when her lover stop writing the very detailed letters to her.

After, he read all the letters, no more people came that derry night, so he shut everyone out even his wife. He declared in a raged of anger that Ms. Darkholme and her fellow kind would no longer be allowed to leave the lonely Basatria.

The story of her affair aroused Maximoff's interest so much that, over the next year, he reseed it elsewhere to find Red. He walked every gloomy graveyard, looking up at every tombstones searching of this character only mention through a pen name. He look through names of property owners, magistrates, ministers, and other officials. After a year, Maximoff felt like he was cheated on by the events of Raven Darkholme's life as well as one can ever be betrayed.

But I was continually stuck on how lonely she was because of how often he ignored the likes of her, the letters revealed to him the inner workings of the hearts and minds of two people who fall deeply in love with each other.

And so he decided finally to set down the rules which his wife tried to ignored. He wanted to corrected her behavior but instead drove her away. He could had never corrected the behavior and attitude of ether Darkholme much less his wife, and cast the voice from Magda's body but instead casted her completely out of Basatria, Germany.

The basic story, however, his heart remains theirs. Let no one think that he intended to hurt his relationship with the ladies of Basatria either then or now. Rather, he would think this tale a nightmare of humanity everywhere.
While he may seek the truth, he may find it difficult to grasp, and often the harder he seeks it the more elusive the awful emotion love becomes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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