Effective Mischief

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I've cried for too many years

And wasted all my tears

I'm weak that I can't live my life

'coz until now I'm still tied at your side

At first, we shared a happy thoughts together

like there'll be no time for pain and anger

that you and I can't be separated from one another

'coz you've promised to be with me forever

But all of the sudden... BOOM!

all my life suddenly covered with doom

plans are destroyed and cracked into pieces

Here I am flooded with fears!

You've left me all alone blooded with dread

Now, all the memories are just puzzles of hatred

I cannot open my eyes to face reality

but still I need to move with agility

And I've realized things are not forever

You may have started from a perfect partner

but you'll end up with torment and despair

Fairytales aren't true, there's no happily ever after.

"I may suffered from too many heartaches

but its not the reason to live without faith

it's makes me stronger than before

and love is the reason not to give up anymore"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2013 ⏰

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