Silent Night

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                          Chapter One

My mum always said to never go out after dark in this town. And I never did. I knew all too well of the dangers of the night. Anyone stupid enough to be going out at night would almost definitely be killed. And it wasn’t just the Vampires who were a threat. Yeah, I said Vampires. Deal with it. The wannabe Vamps would kill for fun, and drink goblets of blood. Totally gross.

But then mum died. And I didn’t care anymore. I go outside at all times, no matter what the danger. I have an older brother, so if ever needs be, he can just carry on the Wiccan bloodline if I die. Yes, I am a witch. My mother, as much as she tried, could never behold the true power of our family. That was probably why she could not fight off her attacker.

I am out tonight, staring at the full moon. I have a friend I must see. Though she is a Vampire, she is my best friend, and has been for six years, since my mother died. I was ten. Killed by a wannabe. The traitor of humanity. He was arrested and killed by the laws of Apervane, and now the only thought’s I give to him are questions about why he murdered my sweet, innocent mother who used her small amount of powers to help the town.

“Pagan?” I call out to the night air, where Pagan asked me to meet her. The sky is beautiful, onyx black with crystalline stars littering it, with the diamond moon in the center of it.

I hear little pattering footsteps on the pavement behind me, and I turn to see Pagan’s flaming red hair glinting in the moonlight, her bright, sapphire blue eyes shining, and her white skin nearly translucent. “Phoenix!” She calls to me, then wrapped her small, dainty arms around my neck.

“Hey Pagan!” I smile into her shoulder, and put my arms around her waist. “How you been?” I pull back from her, and take in her outfit. My god, she’s wearing a pleated mini-skirt and a bright pink draping top that ends at around the middle of the skirt. Jeez, she knows how to stand out!

“Great thanks, my new bed’s finally arrived, and I’m getting the new Abbey Dawn line of clothing. And guess what!”

“What?” I ask her, intrigued now.

Her face lights up like a Christmas tree, “Cole asked me out!”

“Cole? You mean, bar-owner Cole?”

Pagan nods, beaming. Wow, she gets around fast! Oh God…she’s started jumping up and down. It’s quite funny if I say so myself.

“When was this then? It had to have been sometime this week, seeing as I haven’t seen you since Friday.”

“Well, it was actually last night. It was so romantic, under the stars, music in the background…” Pagan sighs happily, puts her dainty hands on her chest, and I have to hold in my laughter. When Pagan sighs, it’s just one of those things you have to laugh at. “You should’ve been there Nixxie. Hey, you should come to the club tonight. There’s a band playing tonight that you’ll just love.    “

“I’d love to come Pagan, but what about my clothes? They’re not exactly…party-wear.” I say to her, looking down at my denim shorts, black trainers and ‘Hello Kitty’ tee. I cringe at the sight. Why does Arizona always get me such childish clothes?

“That’s okay. Come with me, I’ve got the perfect outfit Nixxie!” Pagan says to me, grinning, and pulls me down the grey paved road to her place.

To look at Pagan, you’d never think she was a vampire, just a slightly hyper teenager. She was turned when she was fourteen, nearly five hundred years ago. Because she’s so old, she has the ability to go out into the sunlight, but only for short amounts of time. She’s about my height and has a small frame, but when she wants to be, she is so strong, she can break another Vampires bones. She mainly does it to Kurian. He always taunts me, and Pagan gets angry easily. Do the math. Pagan drags me around the corner, and then we go up the steps to her house.

It’s beautiful, dark brown wooden slates on the outside, with white borders around the doors and the windows and wooden posts underneath the overlaying part of the roof. In the windows, there are deep purple curtains, and ornaments of dragons, fairies and wolves.

We go in the front door, and she leads me through her hallway. I don’t need to look around it again, I’ve been through it so many times. Pictures of me and Pagan, Pagan and Joseph, the friend she’s had since she was just turned, and countless other Vampires. I’m one of her only human friends. I sprint up the wooden stairs after Pagan, and tuck my blue hair behind my ear.

Yeah, I have blue hair. Even weirder, it’s natural! And no, I’m not joking.

“Hey, wait up!” I call to Pagan, and hear her lilting laughter come from her room. I step over the last stair, and skip down the short hall to the glitter-covered door in the middle of the wall. I go in and see Pagan rummaging in her wardrobe. Probably sorting out what to wear for the club. I go to her bed – believe me, it’s huge! – and sit down on it with a bounce.

“Ah, got it!” Pagan exclaims happily, and brings out of the wardrobe a short black and purple pleated skirt – a lot like hers – a pair of stiletto boots that look so high that they would probably reach over my knees, and a low fitting top with a blinged out skull on it with a top hat.

“Wow, they’re amazing Pagan!” I gasp. Was she expecting me to wear those? Wait…stupid question. Of course she’ll make me wear them! Thank God too, going to a party dressed like how I am now would be an embarrassment on a major scale, and would totally down-size my reputation.

Pagan grins like the Cheshire cat from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and chucks them at me. I freeze them in mid-air so that they don’t hit me in the face, then grab them and drop them onto Pagan’s bed. “Put ‘em on Nixxie. You’ll look beaut!”

I laugh with her, and take the clothes and boots into the bathroom. I hear a heavy bass band start to play on the stereo in her room as I get changed. When I’m finished, I look at myself in the mirror. My blue hair tumbles down in curls around my heart face, and my eyes, bright violet, shine in the light from the light on the wall, and I can’t help but think that I need to put some eyeliner on.

I look in Pagan’s little make-up bag, and find some black and blue liquid liner. I put on the black one first, then put the blue one at the corners. The top that Pagan gave me to wear drapes off of my left shoulder, and slants across my stomach, just above my belly button. The skirt sticks to my hips, and flares out to the middle of my calf’s. The boots, black leather with studs around the top of them, make me look five-inches taller, and they come up all the way to about three-inches above my knees.

I love the outfit! God, Pagan is a saint!

I quickly put on some deep purple lipstick to go with the skirts purple lines and my eyes, and then walk out of the bathroom back to Pagan.

I hope you like it :) I wrote this out a while ago, and I'm planning to publish it as a fully fledged novel when I'm finished. Please comment and vote :D x

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