Crossed Relations

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Ţhis is based of a true story. This character name- whisper gonzales

I was never the girl to have the reputation of a good life. My life isn't full of great surprises like the next guy. Somehow I can't find my true meaning but there are so many reasons why so let's start from the beginning of the end.

I was four red hair pail face. lips were that natural pink. I looked so natural and carried that emphisis of confidence you could see it in my face. I was just in the park hanging the rusty monkey bars everything was normal grass flowing with green. Everything was in its place nothing explicite to be found. Then a group of teenagers not normal come a jump me and make all my beautiful features go away... diminish. My hair is black my skin is the unhealthy pale my lips dark red. I look like a whole new girl. I sadly walk home and knock on the front door with my initial ingraved on the bottom where there is wood. my parents answer "hello are u looking for someone?" I say "It's me whisper" they respond saying I'm sadly mistaken I am not there daughter. they close the door on me I am left crying on the footsteps. I live in New York city I walk towards the shore of New jersey and live in my shame of a home.

I live in a box in the back alley. I am six now and have been living alone for two years. I have been living a life of crime I steal from the northern market of gotham. I love the little honey sticks a man caught me taking some I got asked why I told him the reasons he let me take some for free everyonce in a while. I have to drink the salt water from the river so I look anorexic. time elapse and now I am eleven a huricane hits New York and the shore of New Jersey. My box home and everything I one walk away.

One day I drink the salt water and it burns going down my throat I wonder why. I see a couple walking at the shore since now I am thirteen o dream of love like theres. After they leave I walk over everything gets blury I see a broken bottle it reads in bold letters VODKA I drank from that spot that it spilled I didn't drink the water I drank liqour. Everything about my body slows down it can't handle the intensity of the liqour. My mind fades into blackness when I wake up a man in a black coat takes me and throws me in a truck.

I couldn't see his face I wonder if I am getting kidnapped. I arive at an orphinage it looks dead. I go in get treated no better than Annie. I can't handle another day of rags so I escape from the orphinage by going down the trash shoot. I land in the dumpster and I see a slightly used pair of shoes my size. and a large shirt I wear it as a dress. I make the exception of the new wear well because my clothes are old a have holes, as well as they are too small.

As I walk into the town of LaBronx I see to policemen they see I am a young girl by myself they arrest me and I tell them everything they don't beleive me they say into the intercom I am a code 4. I say "wait what is that" they say "come on be literate, it means phsyco or legaly crazy." I think how was I able to know something as complicated as that. I think they are going to take me back to another orphinage.

I am sadly mistaken I come to a place called time square jail. I am acually in a cell and everything. in my advantage there is a young guard I persuade him that I am bot supposed to be here he's a fool he let's me out. I see there are jobs available at Red lobster I go in for a interview and guess who is at table 7.


I glance at them multiple time then we lock eyes they realize my blue eyes. My mom realizes it is me they wave me over. My dad greets me and my mom apologizes. They ask me what happens and it shocks a mental nerve in my Brain I get flash backs and I faint I pass out. Hospital trucks come and inspect my condition on the ambulance. My condition isn't just a memory glitch.

I am paralized. In a severe colma that I might never wake up from. Now I live my life as a dream the life I never had. My life finaly isn't a sad story because of my deep sleep. maybe this is the turning point?

In the real world I'm not taken to

a regular hospital I am taken to "Recreation of People"rehabilitation center. Now I am legally considered crazy. As I am in the hospital I have several machines hooked up to me.I can't feel anything though because I'm practically dead since I can't awaken. My parents leave me again. they didn't want me they didn't care about me no one does that's why I'm here. Can I just be acepted if I was then I wouldn't have been in this situation the first place. People always told me get a life. I couldn't no one would acept a mutt like me just in there life. Some people say I'm too hard on my self. The thing is it was all my fault.

Now my life begins as a dream. I am in the rehabilitation center and I am taking test I keep on getting F marked onto my papers it means fail, but for me it means failure. I get asked questions and I struggle to give the answers. Then I start to cry... then they ask "what's wrong." I respond "what's not." they just look at me. I think exactly, no stuff Sherlock.

Soon it all gets to me and I go into the kitchen melt of the chains. Go into the lounge and grab a uniform. I grab some food too. I walk strait out of the building not anyone notices me well becuase as long as I have on this uniform I work here. I go between there two buildings and rip of the badges so I just look like a normal woman 18 years old wearing a suit. The suit isn't the ugliest thing in the world either.

I find some money in my back pocket I go and get me some dinner cause grapes aren't going go do the trick. The waiter there recognizes me I think she probably doesn't even know me. I know her though. She comes over and she greats herself hi my name is Elizabeth. I say "I know" "hi its whisper remember me?" she responds "Hi whisky" we both smile. takes a break from her work we sit down and talk its unbelievable we found eachother. I tell all thats happen she feels sorry. Beth welcomes me to stay with her in her apartment may I mention its highrise. I acept the offer. Then a handsome looking man stares at me and walks this way towards the table.

Beth leaves and me and him speak.

"Hi my name is Nathan. I couldn't help but notice your beauty in your eyes and red velvet silky hair"

I respond saying "hi I am whisper. I couldn't help but notice how striking your facial features are." we talk for hours I couldn't help but notice that I didn't even order anything yet. He ask me out on a date at to Ruths Cris steakhouse. I say I will be there. its on Tuesday at 8:00. again time elapse its Tuesday 7:47 he's at my doorstep waiting we go to the place sit down and I open up my napkin it says "will you be my girlfriend. I fell inlove with you instantly." I speak out whispered Yes.

It's June 4th it's our 1 year anerversary this time the date is at his house. The house is what u would consider empty. I look on the kitchen table and it has a post it on it. the post it reads "I love you. and I want this house to be our home and I want us to build it together with our memories we will have once u take my hand in marrage." then I turn around and he's bent down on one knee and says "WhisperGonzales will u be my wife."

I jump up and say No I will not be your girlfriend anymore. YES I will be your wife though. I could tell he was in shock when the first word was no but I saw his face enlighten when I said yes.

we go to get married at the Cathedral of Milan. We are about to say our I do's and then the preach ask and if there is a reason these two shall not get married speak now or forever hold your peace. I see Nathan look out into the crowd he spots a girl he knows her, her name is Lauryn Mangoli he has I flashback a harsh one. Then Nathan does it "I object" we don't get married I run out crying and screaming "I knew no one likes me I knew it." I rip up my dress, I cut my hair and I don't stop crying.

Just then I awaken from my colma it has been to years. I panick and I see all the machines hooked up to me I rip of everything that's atached to my body. Then suddenly the machine that tracks my heart rate stops..... and my heart does too. I didn't live a good life half of it was a lie how did I deserve this just so many, Crossed Relations.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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