The runaway!

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As Piper walked along the shore on the beach, nearby her home in Netherlands. Looking at the sunset, she had noticed something far off in the sea. Piper thought.. 'Maybe someone's in danger!?' She hated not helping people, but the last time it was just Captain Hook trying to trick her.. Piper had a strong feeling it wasn't him..? She took a deep breathe and looked out again. "It must be a pirate... Oh well." She sighed, stepping into the ocean. Turning into a mermaid!? Piper smiled and quickly Sean to the.. Raft? Someone's boat must've sank..? She looked down, and to Piper's surprise she was correct! Someone's boat did sink. Piper could see dead pirates as well.. 'A battle occurred as well it would seem..' She thought. 'I wonder, who survived on the raft above..?' She wondered many thoughts were going through her head.. That's when she felt a hand run down her tail! Her eyes widened & she screamed! Piper was confused by the Pirates actions, who was it!? Then she heard a kind voice. "Aww.. What a pretty surprise.. I get a beauty of a mermaid that saved me.." This voice.. 'How is it familiar!?' Piper thought. This was already confusing.. She sighed and came swam up a little, facing the pirate now, just her head out of the water. She looked at the pirate and grabbed hold of the raft, so he didn't drift away. That's when she realized why he was so familiar! "Your Hooks son aren't you!? Piper asked a bit surprised, her voice quiet.. "Yes I am, I am Zack." He frowned. "As you might have guessed.. I ran away from home. My father sank my ship and killed my followers. Now I am alone.." Zack clutched the edge of the raft, wood cutting his hands slightly.. "I don't want to go home to him, please.. Don't make me!?" Piper giggled. "Zack..? Ok well Zack I won't make you, anyways Hook is my fathers enemy. So I wouldn't be able to take you anyways." He smiled, "I'm so glad you won't take me back, but wait.. you said enemy?" Zack looked at her confused. "I never got your name?" Piper sighed. "Am I able to trust you?" There was a short paused. "Yes of course." Zack smiled, saying so cheerfully. "Then.. I am Piper.." Zacks eyes widened, as she replied. "PeterPan's child!?" He smiled. Then looked confused. "Correct, is that a problem?" Piper asked, even though she knew it wasn't since he ran away. "No defiantly not!" He chuckled and smiled widely. "It's just, I really want to meet him, and learn from him.. Do you think I could?" Zack then looked confused once again. "Wait.. How are you a mermaid, Peter isn't." Piper laughed slightly, it was visible she was very amused by his change of emotions. "Oh. My father was not a mermaid, neither was my mother... I guess it's far in my blood, or something.. I'm not sure, but I am also human as well as mermaid." Piper climbed onto the raft, right as her tail left the water, her legs appeared as her tail transformed into them. "See." Piper smiled, as well did Zack. "Beautiful both ways." He smiled, making Piper blush slightly and she then giggled. "Anyways let's get to my home, your father might come looking for you soon.." Zack nodded in agreement. "Ok." Piper jumped back into the water, her tail appeared once again. She then grabbed the rafts edge, and quickly seam to the shore. Once they were on land and her legs were back, Zack hugged her. "Thank you, so much.." She quickly pushed him away. "Sorry I just need time to get used to being around a pirate.. No offense." Piper whispered and suddenly a cannon shot at then, Zack pushed her quickly and back up as it passed. Making it so the cannon didn't touch him nor her. "We need to get to shelter, Hooks coming!" Zack yelled, Piper nodded and grabbed his arm starting to run into the woods. "Ok follow me!" After a few minutes of running, they stopped at a tree, surrounded by other trees, not well entered, Zack wondered how they even got in, there were no entrances.. "Come." She whispered and then she stepped on a mushroom that looked like any other, opening a hole under Zack and he fell down it, entering et home, Piper followed quickly. After a few moment lights came on.. From what seemed to be hard.. Full of.. "Fireflys!?" Zack asked confused, fireflys were extremely hard to get. "How did you get them?" Zack asked very curiously. "I just asked them to come, I'm not only a mermaid, but I'm also a fairy." Zack seemed extremely confused and curious. "How is that possible?" He looked at her, titling his head slightly. "Since Wendy is my mother, and she wasn't born in a world like this.. She's an oddball.. So that makes me one as well." Zack nodded. "Oh.. I guess I understand.." He whispered, there was a slight tint on his cheeks. 'Is he blushing!?' Piper thought.. That's when she smiled as he started speaking. "Do you have any cake?" Zack asked, which almost immediately made Piper laugh. "Y-Ya we do.." She giggled, going to the fridge and getting out a medium sized piece of cake. "Thanks." Zack smiled, he started eating it quickly, then once he finished and cleaned up after himself. He walked over to Piper suddenly and kissed her!?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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