Chapter 30 - The Real Deal

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"Well, well, well, what do we have here? I see they're letting just about anyone into the 'Society' these days," An all too sickeningly familiar voice sneered from behind me.

I'd just finished my shift at the kissing booth and was heading over to the High Tea Pavilion in search of food when the person I planned to annoy today, saved me the effort of looking for her by finding me herself.

Taking a deep breath, I turned around with a practiced, cordial smile on my face as I greeted the She-devil sweetly, "Oh Hi Melissa! I had no idea that you would be here today. Are you having a nice time? It's such a beautiful day though it's starting to get quite hot. Make sure you stay hydrated and apply sunscreen, wouldn't want your skin to match your hair colour now would we?"

Her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed as she placed two hands on her turquoise ruffle-skirt clad hips and zeroed in on me.

"I don't know why you're here, but if you think you can blend in with your salon hair, this prudish pink dress and those shoes which you probably stole because there is no way you could afford real Louboutins, you're wrong." She huffed with all her might, "I can spot a cheap fake amongst diamonds and I bet the mothers of the 'Society' can too. It won't be long before they realise you're just common glass." She snapped.

She was looked exactly like a peacock, desperately flouncing her feathers around in an attempt to attract a mate and deter competition, and I struggled not to laugh out loud.

"I'm just here to enjoy this lovely charity fete which I was invited to come to by Ryan's older brother Brad," I said, speaking calmly and sophisticatedly. "Oh and by the way, these- "I lifted my leg and pointed my (borrowed) nude Louboutin sandaled foot at her, "are real."

I could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears as my lips set into a satisfied smirk.

"I always love our chats Melissa, but now if you'll excuse me, I've got some business to attend to." I ended, turning to leave.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you slept with him to get them..." I heard her mutter deviously as I took one step away.

'Excuse me? Did she just say what I thought she said?' I was ready to tackle her to the ground but that would just be playing straight into her hands and it wouldn't be doing me any favours for this image I was trying to keep up. You had to fight passive-aggressive with passive-aggressive; if I attacked head on she would definitely play the martyr and pin me as the villain.

"You and I both know that's not true, but before you start that rumour like I know you are just itching to do, you better think about where you stand." I said, taking the moral high ground as I drew myself up to my full height and looked down at her. "First there's you, little caterpillar who just joined the 'Society' hoping to become a debutante butterfly. Nobody really knows who you are and I guess nobody really knows who I am either. So to everyone else I'm just another pretty debutante-hopeful like the rest of these girls, and I'm blending in pretty well actually."

She glared at me through her thick false lashes and I saw the muscle just under her eye twitch; she knew that I was right.

"But do you know who everyone in the 'Society' does know?" I continued, almost sardonically. "Brad. And they all love him. He's their golden boy, the one who's won the heart of every mother and grandmother on the panel and who every girl hopes will agree to be their escort. So do you really think they'll believe you, over him?"

I knew I was right, and she knew it too. But I should have known she wouldn't go down without a fight. As far as throwing shade goes, she was a straight A student in AP Bitching.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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