Wings of Light- Chapter One

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Chapter 1  Nothing’s Changed

                        Christmas music drifted from the black CD player tucked away on the old entertainment cabinet.  Erin tried to ignore the cheerful lyrics as she stared out the window at the steel gray sky.  Snow hadn’t reached the Pennsylvania hills, but soon ice would frost the world for what would seem like forever.  Thanksgiving leftovers sat in the fridge, Christmas decorations already littered the walls and Grandpa Jessie insisted on dragging the fake Christmas tree out and decorating it while the two of them were in town.  Another year, another holiday, but this time, it didn’t feel real.

 Erin looked over at her twin brother.  At least he hadn’t blown their cover.  Bain seemed content as he sat on the floor shelling pistachios and flipping through pages of a magazine.  Untouched issues from the last three months were stacked on the floor next to him.  He turned a page and she almost smiled that he used his hands to do it instead of magic.  In the last few days, he had only used his magic a couple times. 

Normal. It was something neither she nor Bain would ever be again, but how were they supposed to forever keep their secret?  Grandpa Jessie would never believe in the älvor butterfly fairies, magic or immortal elves.  Every minute she spent with Grandpa Jessie felt like a lie.  When she was home, her life was a lie.

            The fire crackled as a log tumbled softly off the burning pile and settled on the bed of ashes on the woodstove floor.  Grandpa Jessie’s face hid behind the local section of the newspaper.  It was hard to believe that today was her last day home.

She swallowed against the hard lump in her throat, wishing she could make the uneasy feeling go away.  If she didn’t ask him now, she wouldn’t get the chance again for at least another month.  The song changed to one without words and she tried to let the melody infuse her with its relaxing tones. 

            “Grandpa?”  She hoped her voice sounded comfortable, but with the way her stomach twisted, she doubted it was possible. 

He collapsed the newspaper and peered at her.

“Tell us about mom.”  She tried to pull a small smile, but her heart thudded in her chest as if it were trying to make its escape.  Four days ago Grandpa Jessie told her she looked like her mom.  It should have sounded like a compliment, but instead her world tilted on its side.  How could she look like her mom?  She didn’t even look like herself anymore.  Becoming immortal could do that.

She waited, watching the flames lick the dark wood through the glass walls of the circular furnace.  Bain glanced up at her quickly, but then turned his eyes back down to the magazine opened on the floor.

 Grandpa Jessie set the newspaper down and leaned back into the leather recliner.  “Well, Erin, I suppose the best way to explain your mother is to look in the mirror and then put a bit of Bain’s personality into the equation.  She looked just like you, love.  Maybe more of a free spirit, though.  She had seen most of the world before she met your father- could tell a story about any continent.”

“But she was more like me then?” Bain asked.  He closed the pages and reached for another handful of pistachios. 

Grandpa Jessie smiled.  “Well, she was more likely to get her hands dirty.  And she wasn’t afraid of anything.”

“Did you ever see her ears Grandpa?” Erin asked.  This was the question that would change everything.  She folded her arms tightly against her chest as if to keep her churning stomach hidden.

He scratched his chin as he contemplated the question.  “Sorry, love.  I think I lost track of her ears.  I don’t know that anyone ever thought about her ears with all those auburn locks getting in the way.”

Bain reached up to his ears, but Erin shook her head slightly, hoping he would get the message.  Grandpa Jessie probably hadn’t noticed their ears either.  Bain hadn’t cut his hair since June and now his thick blond hair fell in waves to his jaw line. 

“Why did they leave?” Erin asked, staring intently at the fire.

Grandpa Jessie looked over to her.  “You mean, the last time?”

“Yes.”  Erin did not lift her gaze from the flames.  She'd heard the story before, but it had been a long time.  Maybe there was something she missed. 

“She was taking your dad to see her family.  Not her parents, mind you, but her extended family.  The flight was to Ireland.  It was only going to be for a few days.  It was as much a get away for the two of them as anything.  You two were doing so well, they decided they could afford a week away.”

“But they never made it to Ireland,” Erin finished. 

“No, love, they didn’t.”  Christmas carols filled the air as Grandpa Jessie drifted into silence.  “But it was said that the accident was instantaneous.  It happened so fast that no one had time to feel anything.”  He watched her face before continuing.  “They never meant to leave the two of you.  They loved you more than anything in the world.  If they had it to do over, I know they never would have gone.”

“I know, Grandpa.  I just think about them and wonder so many things.”  Erin fiddled with the pages of the book on her lap. 

“I do too, love.  I do too.”  Grandpa Jessie pushed the foot of the recliner down and pulled himself out of the chair. He crossed the room to the CD player but paused before his fingers touched the buttons.  The music paraded on as he turned to face them.  “Your mom and dad loved you.  Always know that.  Always remember that.  You two were their crowning jewels.”  A tear escaped and he quickly brushed it away.  “I’m going upstairs.”

She could have rushed to him at lightning speed and hugged him, but she sat as if gravity held her to her seat.  “Love you, Grandpa.”  It seemed so simple compared to the tornado of emotions that whirled inside of her.  Someday she and Bain would have to tell him the truth, but she didn’t know when or how. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2011 ⏰

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