Introduccion and A/N

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Young Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester/Samuel Hunter

Young Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as John Winchester

Jim Beaver as Bobby Singer

Jason Isaacs as Ryan Hunter

On May 2nd, 1992 little Sammy Winchester disappeared from a motel room in Aida, Oklahoma, no signs of a struggle, no sings of a supernatural presence, no sing of human presence and no sign of a escape the crime scene was clean. Three questions were raised by that, who took Sammy? Where is Sammy? And why did they took him? Meanwhile near San Antonio, Texas a supernatural hunter by the name of Ryan Hunter found a little boy who claims that his mommy and daddy were eating by a monster, that his name is Samuel and that today is his birthday and after seeing that a werewolf indeed eat a young couple adopts him. John and a few fellow hunters had been trying for 6 years to find Sammy but the search for him just gets colder and colder everyday it isn't until John decides to take a hunt near Fairfax, Indiana and enroll Dean at Truman High School that the Winchesters finally get lead on Sammy.

A/N: My story takes place in 1997 at Truman High School (During the flashbacks from episode 4.13 After School Special) Is a pre-serie AU. Dean looks exactly like the Dean from the flashbacks from 4.13 but Sam looks more as a young Jared Padalecki (Not as Colin Ford aka Young Sam in 4.13) And yes Sam is 14 in here but in my story he is a Sophomore not a Freshman and Dean is 18 and is a Senior and he did NOT drop up from school and John hasn't giving him the Impala yet.

#BadassSam #KickassSam #RaisedApart #CaringJohn #SadDean

OK I guess that's it I hope you enjoy and leave me any questions you have! :)

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