A Night to Remember-The Bad Boy, Cupid and Me (one shot)

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~~3 years later~~ 

My cell went off waking me from an very enjoyable dream. If you get where I'm going with that. I answered the phone and mumbled something that was suppose to be a 'what?' only it came out like an 'ugwaa.' not very attractive, I realised.

"Hey babe." Recce said on the other hand. Wide awake and a mere 10 ft away at the closest.

"Whata up reecellius?" I manged to get out. I could feel him smiling on the other side of the line.

"Come over." he said calmly with a hint of longing I think but then again I'm still sleeping.

"Ooh does reecey need his nightly fix?" I teased looking at the clock. 4 am.

"I need you." A quiet voice sent my heart spinning.

"I'm too tired, I'll fall out of the tree." I said breathlessly. 

"I'll save you."

"Are you sure?"

"Doubting the powers of the sexy beast." He smiled shaking his head. I could hear his hair moving against the phone.

"Well it's on you. Sexy beast." Emphasizing the last part. He laughed sending tingles across my body.

"OK. I'm coming. See you in a minute." I hung up and tucked my phone in my bra. Yes i know, sleeping in a bra. Shame on me but Reece has this habit of coming in my room some mornings and looking my window. I rather not be everywhere when that happens. I opened the window, letting in a warm breeze.  

I make it into his room without killing myself. Yup I'm talented. Reece helped me up. I said I made it, not that I landed on my feet. The lamp by his bed made his eyes sparkly like jewels in a treasure cave. He stared back then his lips went down mine and my eyes slid closed. As our lips meet I felt sparks again. We have kissed countless time but they were there every time. I felt a pull at my stomach as we both deepened the kiss. My mouth opened and his tongue met mine. We fell back onto the bed and time slipped away. At least an hour later we both finally sat up.

"So I was right." I said using his smirk.

"No." He blushed. "I wanted to take you up onto the roof."

"OK." I said as he took my hand and lead me to the window then started climbing up. We sat in our spot and he pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder. A couple stars were still out.

We sat there talking until the sun came up then he said in a serious voice.

"Chloe." It sent shivers down my back and I could feel myself melting, like every time.

"Chloe." He repeated. Then somehow, I have no idea how he did without falling off the roof, He got down, on one knee. Pulled something out of his pocket. I stopped breathing. He looked into my eyes and I swear I'll never be able to breathe again. He opened a little black box and nestled inside was a ring. One good sized diamond with two bright emeralds on each side. They matched his eyes and he knew I loved them.

"Chloe Armel will you marry me." I stared at him in shock.

"I promise to love you forever." He said sounding worried.

"Yes!" I squealed and kissed him. He pulled back.

"I rather not fall off the roof." He laughed. He slipped the gold band ring on my ring finger before we climbed off the roof. I looked behind me as I slipped in his room. The sun was just touching the trees and surrounded the man I love with a halo of light.  

"I love you, Reece." 

"I love you too, Chloe."


..and they lived happily ever after....

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