Little Soldier

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Seven year old me, so wise and so strong for my age but thats what you needed for survival when you live in a countary thats going through war. Where people are denied their basic humans rights, where mansluaghter becomes a second nature and torcher is a habite. But who cares right? People from other countaries still class us as terrorists, maybe thats why no one will help. They have been brainwashed by the goverment into thinking that the Isreali army owend Palestine and we are the ones who are intruding, but this doesn't make sense to me. Surely if it was Isreals countary we should be the ones invading them with the army, right?

It sounds crazy when I tell you that when I was five I relised that there was no puropes of living. You would think I was a foolish little girl who knew so little about the world. Actually, it was the opposite, growing up was hard and the sights that the children of Palestine saw were atrcious. We were condationed into not expressing fear no matter what the situation was and when death looks us in the eye we smile with a warm welcome. I speak for the whole of the Palestinian population when I say that we have never experianced one day of happienes in our entire lives.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon when I heard a soft knock on the door. As I opened the door I saw my best friend Ali standing there smiling pleasently. He was one of the few people I adored he was one year older than me him being eight and me being seven. I spent all of my time with him and when I did I forget about all the worlds miseries. With him I felt safe, with him I felt happy.

"Hello little soldier" he pat me on my back

"Hello partner in crime, what messions do you have for me today" I jumped excitedly.

"Well little soldier, today we are heading north to discover new places" he replied

"I am loving the idea" I smiled at him knowing that he had no idea where north was and we were just going to the same place we go to all the time pretending we never saw it before.

It was a twenty minute walk and when we got there we sat down to draw a "map" to where we should go next. Playing with him made me feel like a child again with imaginations, dreams and hopes. We sat there making jokes and acting like soldiers, when suddenly two real soldiers approuched us.

You can see the hatred in their evil eyes, all because we were Palstinen and they were the enemy. "We need you out of here now" one of them commanded.

"Why? We always play here" Ali questioned him. You can tell that they had no reason to why they wanted us out, they just felt like bossing little kids around. "Hey little rat, don't get cheeky or else" he pointed the large gun at Ali.

"First of all the only rat around here is you two and second of all I asked a simple question, why is that classed as being cheeky?" Ali replied in anger. The offended solider exploded and with a simple click he pulled the trigger. I heard a bang than a scream I looked over at Ali to see him crying with pain, again the soldier pulled the trigger ensuring that he didn't miss his target the first time, although he could clearly see he didn't.

My heart dropped to the ground, the soldiers laughed wickedly. I wasn't going to let them get away with their evil deeds. I attacked him shouting all the swearing words you could possibly think of, not for a second stopping to think about the outcome. He slamed his gun at the back of my head and kicked me to the floor. I hit the hard ground like a rocket.

My vision blured and my head was spining, I felt weak and vounrable. I saw the two soldiers walking away. My arms were shaking like an earthquake had struck, I crawled to Ali. He was spitting blood, the savage sinster soldier had shot him at his leg and just under his chest. Ali was struggling to breath, he was drawning in his own blood.

"Ali" I cried "talk to me, you are going to be fine you hear that, everything will be fine"

He smiled weakly and utterd a few words " Ashdo ana la ellah ela allah wa ashado ana mohamdan rasolo allah" these were the words that the quran has tought us to say before leaving this crule world.

"No.. no no Ali, don't. Am taking you home" I wrapped his arms around my neck and got up to carry him. My legs were weak, he was heavy but I was determained to take him back.

I felt his hot blood fall on my back, I sang to him as he claimed that I had a nice voise and he always wanted me to sing. "You are my angel, you are my friend till the very end, you are heart you are my soul, I will never let you go" I sang the words while tears storming down my cold cheeks.

Finally,I managed to get there I banged his house door with my fists and kicked with my legs. His older brother had came to open the door and shout at who ever that rude vister was but then shouted "Ali" as he saw his blood dreanched brother at my back.

Me and Ali's older sister sat sadly crying and praying to god that Ali would be fine. His brother came in with blood covering his hands, "Lila, tell me what happend" he wiped his tears away.

"I don't know, we were playing .. and then.... Soldiers..."

"Isreali soldiers" he shouted punching the door.

"It all happend too fast, he didn't even say anything and.. and they shot him" I explained.

Ali's brother fell into tears collapsing on the floor, his mum ,dad and the doctor came out. His mum was crying and screaming while his dad held her tighet to his chest.

"God please let this be a bad dream" I thought to my self. But it wasn't. And now, I lost one of the people that I really loved.

That night I couldn't sleep. My eyes had turned tomato red from crying and my head was pounding. I recalled all my memories with Ali and smiled at the stupid things we did.

To be continued ...


Hey sorry for any mistakes, hope you like it. Will update the next chapter soon

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