Mr. Ward, Sir

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"Mr. Ward, Sir", his assistant Maggie said while opening his door.

"Yes, Maggie what can I help you with?" John said in his monotone voice, a voice that had no emotion in it whatsoever and always sounded cold.

"Mr. Grey is here to see you regarding the security detail?" she questioned as she waited for his reply.

"Please, send him in," he said as he walked over to his desk and sat down behind the all black desk that overlooked New York.

"Mr. Ward will see you now, Mr. Grey," Maggie smiled.

Mr. Grey walked into the office and offered his hand for Mr. Ward to shake.

"Mr. Grey, nice to meet you. I'm sure you have talked to my family that wants this ridiculous security detail forced upon me?" he said in a disgusted manner.

"Yes Mr. Ward, I actually brought my best and highly requested security personnel with me as your family stated that this was an immediate need," Mr. Grey stated.

"Nothing is ever of immediate need Mr. Grey. Just as this detail of protecting me is really humorous to me to say the least," he chuckled as he stood up.

"I can have Wolfe come in if that's okay so that you can introduce yourselves to one another," Mr. Grey said standing up and walking towards the door that led back to the lobby from where he came.

"I suppose, since this is all my mother's doing I guess it is best to appease the Queen of the family. I don't see this lasting very long, this assignment. Maybe a couple of days, nothing too dreadful," he said turning his back on Mr. Grey and looking out the window at the cars below him.

"Wolfe, please come here," Grey called out to Ava Wolfe.

"Yes sir," she said as she walked into the office where he and Mr. Ward were meeting.

"Mr. Ward, I'd like for you to meet Ava Wolfe. She is highly trained in every weapon that you can possibly imagine, ex Army, if you would like to see her background please let me know. She will be accompanying you 24/7 until the threat has been confirmed a hoax, or until it has been eliminated," he said as he turned to walk out the door.

"You expect this 5'4" Kardashian wanna be to protect me?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Why you fu..." Ava lunged for him as Grey grabbed her by the waist.

"Ava calm down, Mr. Ward, I assure you that she is the best of the best. She is asked for more often than not. Don't let her size fool you because I can tell you this, she could take you down. Now, I have to be going I have a meeting that I have to attend. You two behave and please, don't kill each other," Grey said as he walked out the door.

"Oh, I'll kill him before his threat does," Ava glared at John.

"You're a spunky little thing aren't you?" John asked in a sarcastic sounding tone.

"You don't know the half of it, so when do you leave this room of glass to go home?" she asked.

"Ms. Wolfe, funny I would picture you as a fluffy kitten, not a wolf, but to each his own. We will leave here at 5pm and then we will go to the gym for an hour. After that, I go home and have dinner, and I read. Occasionally, I will go out to my shooting range and fire off a few rounds. Other than that, my life is that of a typical businessman," he said coldly.

"Oh, so in other words, B-O-R-I-N-G," she laughed.

"I'm anything but boring Ms. Wolfe, so if you don't mind I have a conference call that I must be on. Please do whatever it is you do and do it," he turned around and got on his phone watching Ava as she stood up and walked over to the snack tray, got some trailmix, and flopped down on the couch that was in his office.

John placed his call on mute, "Do you mind to get your feet off the sofa please? That's not for shoes to be placed on and don't you have something to do?"

"Yeah, I'm doing what I get paid to do, watch you," she kicked her shoes off and stretched out on the couch.

"God, please just let the threat put a bullet in my head now," he mumbled as he picked back up his call.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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