My original work

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So this is my English coursework I have been working on. However I wondered if I should make it into a story on here as I love the story line. Let me know what you think.


I was awakened by loud shouts; this had recently become expected. Often I wondered what the commotion was but Shay reassured me. Scanning my room; I see the walls radiating colour. The subdued blue wall in front of me was my favourite; the way the sun burnished off of it demanded peace. Looking to my right, the window let in a rush of sunlight; smiling to myself I pull back the crisp white sheets.

Walking over to my wardrobe I ponder what to wear; I possess an item of every colour. What can I say? A girl can never have too many clothes.

Which one...

Eventually I select a pair of dark jeans and a purple strapless top. Lazily I walk into the bathroom and sigh; placing my clothes onto the toilet whilst brushing my teeth, a gift from Shay. A welcome replacement for the greyish off-white tombstones I once had; now as white as the snow. Pristine. After meticulously scrubbing my teeth for three minutes I strip down; in the mirror my reflection blinks back at me. A pallid hue that makes me shiver. Cadaverous. A sliver of silver glinting in the corner of my eye, my worst enemy...

Temptation must be abated. Resolutely I shake my head considering at the scars on my arms; I can't return. Too clearly I remember the crimson red liquid pouring from the open wound. Wet pellets hit my cheek. My life was so devoid of colour that oozing crimson was the only hue I desired. Sighing to myself I walk into the shower, and turn the rusty knob. A deluge of water washes over me, soon enough the unwanted thoughts are abolished.

Muffled shouts fill my ears. The acoustics in the room make the voices reverberate. One voice is tumultuous...Darren.

Boisterous. Insolent. Many refer to him as truculent. If he was leader I'm sure there would be more casualties mostly from him than our enemies.

Disrupted from my thoughts by a loud clamorous bang I quickly finish my shower. Stepping out I grab my towel and dry myself off before changing into my clothes; tying my wet hair into a bun I walk out through my room to be met with Shay. "We've got a job to do." Shay smiled enveloping me into a warm embrace. "What was Darren shouting about?" I ask pulling away admiring his perfectly tanned skin. "Overreacting as usual" he shrugs casually as he walks down the stairs. "Be careful." I sigh. "Will do." He smiles as he leaves.

I'm alone once more...

Hours later I notice the boy's van pulling into the drive. Idly I perceive that there are more holes in there than a golf course. When I reach downstairs as the door swings open, dark red, purple, yellow splotches cover them, the last one in is Darren. "He's gone" he smirks; he's clean not a scratch on him. "What do you mean he's gone?" I asked in disbelieve "They took him, he's no longer here" he laughs. "Now I don't have to pretend to be nice to you; you're mine now" he laughs menacingly. All the brightness of my day is gone - I'm now at war.


No colour stands out anymore. My once colourful room is colourless... Darren has taken over now; the only reason I'm here is because the others refuse to let him kick me out. However, he made it clear I'm not wanted. Once royalty, now I'm enclosed in this cramped, fatigued room.

These dull walls are my only friends. The only sun I get is that which seeps through the curtains. The outside world distanced. No colour of nature can change my ways.

"Aurora come here." Darren coos from the neighbouring room. I stay silent. Darren's approach towards me has changed. The thick oozing red liquid that seeps from my fresh cuts is accompanied by purpling bruising that corrupts my skin. When he creates this mosaic it he doesn't stop until I can no longer stand.

The door swings open and as a gust of wind hits my skin; I place myself on the threadbare chair. A tear runs down my cheek. This is where I'm at now. Looking up I see that Darren is in front of me. "Why didn't you come when I called?" he growls. I stay quiet pulling myself into a ball.

My mistake...

Another tear escapes my eye as I'm thrown to the floor. Darren's thick black boot collides with my ever so flawed face.

This is how my life turned from light to dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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