Hope is worth fighting for!

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Chapter one

An Intresting day

Hello my name is Hope and  right now I'm searching for some scraps of pizza and some bread or anything that is edible.Scrambling to my feet and striving not to fall down below from the hill which i stood upon, as I took a drink from my  bottle of water that I,ve saved. I put the cap back on then i saved  Some of my water for later to keep  my strength up. It was very hot outside and very windy that day , as i went out hunting and  I look out over the horizon with eyes.I scan the ground below me looking at the scenery and while i wondered if i'll be back before Darkness comes. Before darkness falls Upon our camp while keeping in my mind of my goal , to Stay alive as much as possible while trying to protect my twin sister and the others while being reminded of what Travis once said to me in  the year 2003 to never give up.So I'll keep going forward and onwards towards a certain path that I choose for  myself. It was getting Dark outside and Jack was nearby too helping me search for food,  We look around and We had most of our supplies  in our bag, and there was most of the animals that i've found and killed for supper and Jack was our lookout and serach for any wild mutant plants and animals that lerk in the night, as I look down below to see the area where the birds with two heads was eating and giant firespiltting plants were growing and the sky turned blueish and orange and pink was in the sky. We took off for our hideout deep underground where laied a garbge of broken dreams and toys was all over the place and a old house stood still like a graveyard without ghosts flying around, their was a trapdoor and Jack lift up the rope to climb in the hole and disappear into the darkness of a tunnel that was connected to our hideaway home.

A lot has Change since then for one I'm a mutant I have the power to change into water and to blend in my surroundings if  I needed to hide but that is  all i can say for now you'll know the answers soon i promise but for now i must continue to find food and scarps of cloths  to make clothes out of. It's kinda weird. Anyway there are eleven  of us. First up their's  my strong well kinda crazy wild sister Lina who my other half well my twin she's bossy stubborn sometimes even more then me she always been there like a road sign standing near and still besides me. well accept on hunting trips that i go on alone. We made our homes out of old wood and Machine parts that was worn and old like in the  piles of rumble that now lay there on the ground. Lina has long STRAIGHT slightly  long hair like mine with green eyes and both our hair colors are dirty blood with two earrings in her ears like me but she wears  a choker and sometimes makeup on her face. She's shinny and very well understanding to people. We called our place the junkyard a place where survivors live.

It was almost dark and I started to get worried I haven't caught any animals or found any berries yet for food and it started to rain very heavy rain which I had to take cover from so I ran under some rocks. Suddenly I saw a huge bird and some goji berries that I found. The skyline was reddish orange fill with red dark birds that change over time. It look like Pollution over time and everything was in ruins and dark and very smelly like rioting fish that made me  want to loose my breakfast. I took the dead bird home to be supper and and got fresh water out of my water bottle and pour over the bird and berries to wash it. Before putting it it my sack to keep inside. I quickly made it back inside before a sandstorm hit  me where I was. In The East I came upon a house that looked  broken down but had one window still standing tall  accept for the  shelter that i live in. I went inside and  as i opened the latch that opened the secret door that led downstairs  to underground tunnels. Before I went inside I saw a old video camera with a tape still inside. I thought to myself maybe Mary can fix this video camera up so it can work again i thought to myself as i went inside the door  straight into the tunnel that lead inside our home. We called it a junkyard cause it has junk , old broken toys, houses  that are worn down and old windows shattered and broken and old cars that no longer work, basically everything that was up above us got  ruined and  broken and lost.

Hope is worth fighting for!Where stories live. Discover now