All Work No Play

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What I wouldn't give for just one bottle of beer. I'm not even asking for a glass of the Devil's whiskey or amber rum, though it does sound nice... just one little... Alright Jack focus. Focus huh. How am I supposed to focus? My wife won't leave me  alone! "Jack, dear would you like a sandwich? Jack, you need to eat something, Jack..." Can't you see I'm trying to write? Do I have to bash your brains in just for speaking? Hey Wendy, here's an idea, how about you stay out of this room?! And when you wanna come in here? Don't! How loud do I have to type for you to get the message? I'M BUSY! I don't know, maybe she needs to get her ears cleaned or something. All that constant nagging Jack this, Jack that... Can't you see I'm in my happy place? I don't care Wendy. I don't care if the weather forecast said it's suppose to snow tomorrow; what do you want me to do about it anyway? "Oh come on hun, don't be so grouchy." I'm not being grouchy I'm just trying to finish my work. You say you understand but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, you don't. You couldn't possibly understand what it feels like to be typing and typing and typing and typing and ty- ugh you get the idea, all day long only to be interrupted by some pip squeak little girl who has nothing more to offer than a "Did you get a lot written today?" Let me explain something, every time I get interrupted it breaks my concentration... Distracting me. And then it will take time to get back to where I was! Do you get it now? This is why I need a drink. We come here, have the entire hotel to ourselves, and what does my family do? Dump piles of stress on me! How the hell am I suppose to finish this stupid play?! Oh that's right, my family couldn't care less about my dreams if they tried. All they wanna do is talk. Well, they've had their whole lives to talk, I need a few weeks to write. Is that asking too much? I am being selfish? I don't think so, everyone needs to have their me time. But look, the whole point of "me" time is that I can do anything my heart desires, so can I really have a beer? No. Why? Wendy. It's always all about Wendy. I'll get that same damn lecture about never getting drunk again. Of all the times I've been wasted I've had one accident, just one teeny tiny little accident and that wasn't even my fault, it was that wonderful, glorious son of mine. Had Danny stayed in his room like he was told, no harm would have come to him. But he didn't. The selfish brat spilled beer all over my latest masterpiece. See?! My own family despises me and makes it a point to put all my dreams on hold. They don't get it do they? No! All the kid does is walk around talking to himself and all Wendy does is watch! They don't have a purpose, I do! Do they think I enjoy starring at a type writer for hours on end with no result? God sake's, let me have my passion! Let me moan and cry over a story which never found an ending! All I ask for is your patience, support, and maybe, just maybe, a drop of alcohol to help me cope. Tell me, is one beer really going to get me drunk? Of course not! But then she'll argue like she never even heard me. "Jack if you get drunk again that's it. I'm leaving" Sweet heart, you would be a mess without me, a complete mess. You'd run in crying your eyes out, practically begging me to take you back. You'd say Danny missed me too much but we'd both know that's not the entire truth. So darling, light of my life... PROVE TO ME THAT ONE BEER IS GOING TO INTOXICATE ME! Aghhhh deep breaths, deep breaths. It's alright. I can do this. I'll write a genius of a play and everything will be just fine. Who am I kidding no it won't!All I hear is her voice grinding at my brain with that "Take a break" BS. Uhhh nope! I will pound these keys until my fingers bleed if I have to! There shouldn't be a problem really... I mean I'm talented, witty, full of good insight... Why the hell can't I come up with something that doesn't make me wanna gouge my eyes out when I read it! I swear, if I go one more day just scratching out ideas I'm going to go insane. But if I had a drink it might make things more... enjoyable. I never enjoy anything these days. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Am I better off for it? No. Sure I have a roof over my head but at this point I might rather be homeless, maybe THAT would add some flavor to my dull life. Hmmm.... All work...No play...Yeah I could work with that. You know what? I think I will take a break, just this once. It's a long shot, but maybe someone left some boos in this old place. After all I've been through I deserve this, if Wendy bitches about it, too bad. Let her yell and curse up a storm I don't care. I'd kill for a drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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