Untitled Part 2

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Three Fishing Boats

And Other Talks to Children

Rev. JOHN C. Lambert. B.D.


Author of "The Omnipotent Cross and other Sermons,"



THE following addresses are such as

The writer is in the habit of giving

every Sabbath, at the morning service, to

The children of his congregation. The

circumstances of their production and

delivery account for their brevity and want

of elaboration. They are not intended

as examples of what children's addresses

ought to be; they are simply specimens

of a kind of address which the writer has

found helpful in increasing the interest of

the children of his own congregation in

the public worship of the church.

Perhaps it should be added, as an

explanation both of their matter and

manner, that they were spoken mainly for

the sake of the younger children. The

writer, partly because of the unusual pro-

portion of very young children in his

morning audience, and partly because of

his belief that older children are, in

general, as appreciative of an ordinary

sermon as their fathers and mothers, has

found it most useful in the children's

portion of the service to keep before his

mind and heart those who are very



Three Fishing Boats,

"Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and ye

shall find."— John 21:6 (R.V.).

The Hands of Jesus,

"Behold My hands." — Luke 24:39.

Loving though we cannot See,

"Whom having not seen, ye love."— 1Pet, 1:8.

A Lesson from a Railway Lamp,

"Among whom ye shine as lights in the world." —

Phil. 2:15.

Lions in the Way,

"The slothful man saith. There is a lion in the way;

a lion is in the streets. As the door turneth

upon his hinges, so doth the slothful upon his

bed." — Prov. 26:13-14

The Yoke of Christ,

"Take My yoke upon you." — Matt. 11:29.

God's Library,

"In Thy book all my members were written." — Ps. 139:16

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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