You've Got Nothing To Lose (Except From Me And You)

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Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the doors to my new high school. Immediately I felt the heat of the office. It was freezing out side. And pouring of rain, how fun. I patted my wet hair down a bit, and walked over to the front desk.

"Excuse me?" I said to the lady sitting behind it. She was maybe in her early forties, with chestnut hair and hazel eyes. "Yes?" She responded looking at me. Her eyes widened a little as she noticed who I was. "My, you must be the new girl! Kayley Gilbert right?" She asked ruffling through papers on her desk.

"Hayley Gilbert." I responded. It was a little mistake, but it still annoyed me a little bit. "Oh sorry!" she chirped and held out a couple of pieces of paper. "This is your timetable and a map of the school."

After calling out a quick thank you, I exited to office into the busy hallway. School still had ten minute's before it began, but it was buzzing. I scanned over my timetable. It was similar to the one from my last school in Aberdeen. Relief washed over me, this meant it wouldn't be as hard to remember. 

I saw lockers everywhere and checked both sheets. I wasn't given a locker number. This must have been one of the schools you have to sign up for a locker. Letting out a sigh, I read my first to classes off my timetable.

Biology then Art. I put the timetable in my bag but kept the map out, I was going to need it. My homeroom was in the Social Subjects corridor, right below the Science wing. So I only had to go up a flight of stairs. I started to walk, studying the map. Art was over the other side of the school.

Oh joy.

Suddenly someone bumped into me. "Oh shit sorry!" I exclaimed picking up the map I had dropped. "No, that was all me!" A guy voice stated. I glanced up and saw a guy around my age with brown floppy hair and green eye's was smiling at me.

"It's okay." I said flushing a little. "So are you new then?" He asked. I feigned a confused look. "I've been in your class all year." I said narrowing my eyes. "Have you not noticed me?" Now it was his turn to go red. 

"Oh I uh, I did notice, I just er forgot for a minute." He rushed, scratching his head.

Chuckling, I responded, "I'm kidding I am new. You suck at lying by the way." The guy groaned. "Don't do that, I was about to hit myself there for being such an ass to a pretty girl." 

I felt my face heat up at his words. "Oliver, what have a told you about harrassing new girls!" Another male voice joined in. A guy around the same age as me too, also with floppy hair, only black, and blue eyes came bounding over. 

My jaw almost dropped. He was gorgeous. Not like Jack Barakat gorgeous. More like Jared Leto perfection-gorgeous. He flashed me a quick smile then turned to Oliver. "Just because every girl at this school knows you're a loser, doesn't mean she won't sense it!" He said with a laugh. 

Oliver punched his arm but smiled at him. They were obviously close friends. "I'm Josh by the way." The guy with black hair explained, holding out his hand. I shook it and said "Hayley."

"I haven't properly introduced myself yet, I'm Oliver." Oliver said, also holding out his hand. I shook it without a word, knowing he had heard me say my name. 

"So what brings you to this shit-hole?" Josh said as we started to walk towards the Social Subjects corridor. I'm guessing their homeroom was there too. "Um, my Dad got transferred to here with his work. We only lived in Aberdeen, so it wasn't that much of a change. And we kinda wanted to after - " I cut myself off. 

I didn't want to talk about this. Oliver sent me a soft smile. Josh frowned. "After what?" He pushed. I almost groaned. Oliver was clearly a more understanding person than Josh. Oliver kicked his leg. "Don't be so nosy." Oliver snapped. "What about your Mum?" I smiled a little. "She works down in England a lot. She's this big-accountant-thing." I said.

You've Got Nothing To Lose (Except From Me And You) - Watty Awards 2011Where stories live. Discover now