Chapter One

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"Words spoken by Calith"

"Bold words mean Elvish"

Italics in sentences are Elvish words


A long time ago I lived among the towering spires made of crystal, among the Ancient Elvhen. I was one of the slaves in the beginning. Under the watchful eyes of many, with the Vallaslin of Dirthamen, 'God' of Secrets, and coincidently, knowledge. It was with knowledge and time I ended up mastering my own magic and becoming greater than most. Could've been a 'God' myself, but they were quite adamant about being the only ones, the ruling Evanuris. At first I was lost, unknowing in what I was becoming. I found out almost at the end. My power wasn't enough against the Evanuris, and despite Mythal, the only kind one of them, I was forced into an eternity of a being not of myself, but of one of the 'Gods' themselves... A wolf.

I was sleeping for a while, it was by chance that a human woke me. It was a forest, one I recognized vaguely, in a confused haze I turned on the unfortunate human and killed them. I wandered in the forest, searching for a familiar path, even an Eluvian, I found nothing. I was scared and confused in a place I could not recognize. I found myself among a new world that I was against. There was no spirits wandering, I found out why when I slept.

"The fade... I am unfamiliar with this"

The fade was something new, the veil itself new. I assumed something bad had happened in the end that caused this, something that I wish I knew. It was around the time of the Tevinter Empire, after the fall of my home, the great City of Ar'lath'an.

Many years later

I trot through the familiar Brecillian forest, my destination is one I normally stray from, a rather large clearing that allows one to see through the trees around them. The scent and sounds of Dalish piquing my interest, as always. It distressed me knowing that my once proud people were brought to this.

"Can we go yet?!" a young child cries in excitement, jumping up and down in time with their friend. I snort softly and lay nearby, watching the two children. A woman softly chastises the two.

"Ashalle!" The second child whines, stopping their jumping. The child then puts on a pouty face, eyes pleading to the older elf.

'Ah. Ashalle, so this is the Sabrae Clan. Been a while.' I think and perk my ears, shifting to the other members, learning names and such. I watch until the two children I was watching at the start, come into the forest. I follow them, the two so far more interesting than the rest of the clan.

"Castien, look what I found." Tamlen, the first child, says, showing a bright colored pebble to the other child. Castien grabs the pebble from his open palm, analyzing it.

"It's really bright, I wonder if it was left by someone..." Castien comments and pockets the pebble. Tamlen nods and smiles before retrieving two long sticks, and hands one to Castien. I tilt my head in curiosity as I watch the two mock fight. I fight off a laugh and pace around the area to a small ledge that has a bunch of vines covering it, making my way over I hide behind the wall of vines and watch the two from there. For some time the two play among the stream, enough to distract me from paying attention to the rest of the forest.

"Look! Two little elves." a chuckle escapes a man who is joined by three others. I immediately turn my attention to them, eyes flickering between the two boys and the four humans. Castien and Tamlen point the sticks at them, fright appearing in their eyes.

"W-what do you want?" Castien attempts to demand, I move closer to him, my vision focusing on the men. The four men begin to surround them, grinning.

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