From Beginning to Today; One Direction! *-*

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From the carrot jokes, to the stairs, to the people nobody really noticed, to the randomness, to Niall's old teeth, to no tattoos, to no sexual songs (which I am semi-okay with, because the sexual tension I love LOLOLOL), and to them being presented as a group.

Do you remember the OLD Insert Name Here, which became THE One Direction?


Well my friend and I have decided to stroll back in time and get info on the Old Direction, and basically make a bio of each of them on different pages, with photos, to their perverted jokes *"Cat's Like Fish ;)"*, and them as a band?

I decided to take most of the boys since I am from England, and Charlotte basically took Niall as main because she's Irish.

So let's start this since I'm sick.

Dedicated: @CharlotteKatie .

P.S. If you want to get dedicated later on, just comment, I will dedicate you if you made me basically go "lololol", and be like "so true." !!!!!!:)

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