With These Eyes

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“How did the operation go?” the woman in the hospital bed said sleepily.

“The Ophthalmologists said that the transplant was a success,” the man sitting beside her hospital bed told her, then kissed her on the forehead above her bandaged eyes.

“Good,” she all but whispered before falling asleep again.

Looking down at her softly, Matt thought. ‘Thank God for whoever donated the eyes.’


Alison awoke with a start. But whatever woke her did not make any noise, so she opened her eyes. At first she could not see a thing, but slowly she grew accustomed to the dark. That is when she saw the man hiding in the corner. He was a tall dark haired man, and he was holding something behind his back.

Seeing that she saw him, the man took a butchers knife from behind his back. Then he rushed at her. With a savagery that stunned her, he buried the knife in her. Pulling the bloody blade from her, he plunged it in to her again and again.

Trying to get help she screamed.

Suddenly the man was gone, and in the total darkness she felt Matt grab her hand.

“What’s wrong?” he asked anxiously.

Trembling she said. “The man. He kept …”

“What man?” Matt asked as he leaned closer. “The nurse was in here an hour ago so was the doctor, other than that we’ve been alone.”

Trying to calm her racing heart she said. “It must have been a dream, but it felt so real.”

“And?” he prompted gently.

“A man came out of the corner and kept on stabbing me with a butcher’s knife over and over,” Alison said with a shudder.

Gently stroking her forehead, Matt said. “But it is over now.”

“Do me a favor,” she said as she fought off a big yawn. “Stay with me tonight.”

Squeezing her hand, he told her. “Just try to send me away.”

After nearly an hour she fell back asleep, but he stayed with her the rest of the night. Late morning found him asleep also, still holding her hand.


“How are we doing today?” The tall and blonde haired doctor asked cheerily as he entered the room later that day.

“We are wishing this was done with and the bandages were off,” Alison told him with equal cheer.

“I will be taking the bandages off tomorrow, if the stem has bonded and the eyes are ready,” the doctor told her confidently.

“And if it’s not ready?” Alison asked.

“It does take a little time to heal from a whole eye transplant,” chided the doctor. Then in a more serious tone he said. “At most it should only take a week.”

“I guess I am a bit nervous,” Alison admitted.

“Relax, I have done this operation many times before,” the doctor said confidently. Then after looking at her chart he said. “I will see you tomorrow.”

When the doctor was gone Matt asked Alison. “Have you tried to open your eyes?”

With a frown she replied. “Not today, but I think I might have had them open last night.”

“But you’re not sure?” Matt asked.

“No, I’m not,” she said after a moment.

Encouragingly Matt said. “There is no time like the present to try.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2013 ⏰

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