The Fateful Night

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The twinkling lights and the gorgeous gowns sweeping the floor of the ballroom never ceased to amaze her. The princess of Nilfheim kingdom of death and shadow. Soon to be the Queen if only she truly wanted the title. The blue haired girl looked towards her fiancé and frowned.

The king of Niflheim Jean Norse dancing with his harem of faithful bunnies. The king was nice to look at with his sharp features, tan skin, red eyes, and silver hair. Her light blue orbs watched in melancholy as she stood off to the side. Orlando one of her tutors the more stern of the two already asked for a dance which she agreed to. Her other tutor Skeletorial also asked for a dance. The man she wanted to dance with had not yet made an appearance.

"My princess would you honor me with a dance?" The King finally appeared before her and she reluctantly took his hand.

"Of course, your majesty," She curtsied. They took to the floor the hem of her gown skimming the tile.

"You look radiant tonight." He winked.

"As do you, sir." She replied politely.

"Such a flatterer you are princess, when you deserve all the glory." He half smiled at her.

The music slowed once again and he bowed to her before running back to his harem. She glared in his direction and turned the opposite direction. Someone appeared near the back of the the room. She stopped and looked out at the balcony. A slight gasp escaped her lips as she walked towards the heavily decorated space. The foliage covered most of the entrance keeping the it hidden from the untrained eye.

"I knew you would come." She smiled at the man leaning against the railing.

He turned to her the hood of his white embellished cape covering most of his transparent face.

"I did not know if you would want to see me tonight. This Ball is very important to the king." He murmured quietly.

The princess huffed at the notion and walked closer to the hooded man.

"Jean always throws these parties I have to attend one at least twice a week." She sighed.

The man chuckled at her and held out a transparent, gloved hand.

"Dance with me?" He asked.

The princess smiled and placed her own fair hand in his transparent one. The duo danced more gracefully than the Princess had ever danced before. She giggled at his new stories and shared her own.

The song was starting to end and as the duo slowed to a stop. The transparent man leaned closer to the princess and removed his hood. It revealed amber eyes and shaggy, dark, hair. His grayish skin tone complimented his soft features. His face was gentler compared to the king's but no less handsome. Though one could see straight through him. The princess blushed his face was only a few inches from her own. His lips connected feverishly with her own and he wrapped tranparent arms around her small frame.

"Princess! There you are! What are you doing?"

The princess jerked back in response. Nick glared at the newcomer though he could not be seen.

"Orlando... I-i was just gazing at the stars..." She stuttered trying to hide the disappointment and hunger in her voice.

"Well come along then. This is no place for the future queen of Niflheim. You should be mingling with... your subjects." Orlando grabbed her arm and drug her away.

"Not my faithful king?" She spat.

Orlando frowned at her knowing Jean didn't deserve her beauty or kindness.

The princess looked helplessly at her pale ghost as his hand reached for hers and went straight through.

Nick's eyes swelled with disappointment and anger. He watched his only friend in the world of the dead, the woman he fell in love with. As she was dragged off to a vain, shameless, man and a marriage that would fall to ruin. He cursed his  finicky and useless, ghost form before fading away.

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