Chapter 1

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Authors Note:

Sooo... This is my first book , and it is only a draft!! I really hope you like it! Sure, sure it's a little slow in the beginning, but trust me, it gets better:) Please vote it! I mean if you somewhat like it that is... And it would be really helpful if you could comment and tell me anything I should fix, or what you think about it or any ideas! I take criticism very well.

Now, with out further ado, here is the first chapter of Deep in the Woods... xxx


"I don't see what the point of this is," I said, after two hours and forty-seven minutes of silence- well, my silence. Since I refused to talk to her and acknowledge she was actually kicking me out- I finally broke the promise I had made to myself of ignoring her.

"The point of it is that you spend some time with your father," My mom sighed as we drove down the twisting dirt road.

"I think you're just trying to get rid of me so you can get it on with John!" I snapped at her. Maybe it was just because I still hoped my parents would get back together, but I had a blind hatred for my mom's boyfriend.

"Paige Rose Harvey!" The car came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road- or should I say trail. "Now I don't know why you hate John, but I've been with him for two years now and I'm starting to get tired of your crap about dating him. Now you're going to your fathers because you can't just ignore him for the rest of your life. He loves you Paige, you know he never meant to hurt you," Her eyes softened as she reached out and squeezed my hand.

I ripped my hand away and looked out the window. Tears burning in my eyes.

"Maybe he hadn't meant to, but he did," My mother sighed again as she started the car back up and continued towards my father's house in Maine.

I could feel her sneaking glances at me, but I pretended I didn't.

"Remember when you were little," she began, trying to calm me. "And you always loved playing in these woods, discovering all its creatures and critters?" I did remember. But I was still mad, and continued to ignore her.

When my parents divorced, my mom stayed in our house in Swampscott, Massachusetts, but my dad moved up to his parents old cabin home in Belmont, Maine.

We used to visit them every second weekend, and I loved to explore around my grandparents home. Something about the woods intrigued me. Maybe it was the mystery of what, or who could be wandering deep between those trees that had me drawn to them.

"I hate seeing you so upset Paige," She said.

"Then take me home," I hissed back.

"You know you are gonna have to confront him sooner or later," She sighed.

"I choose later," I glared at her, but her eyes stayed glued to the road.

I didn't hate my father. No, I didn't hate him. But he left us, and that was something I couldn't forget. Though part of me had never stopped loving him.

We drove the rest of the way in silence. My mom looked like she wanted to say something, but she held it back.

Another few minutes passed and the old familiar house came into view. Nothing had changed. It still had it's rope-around porch with the blue striped hammock, the two poorly painted gnomes I gave my grandparents for Christmas a few years back, and the large pine tree with the tire swing my dad made for me when I was six.

My mom's 2009 white Toyota Corolla parked right in front of the porch steps, and she turned off the engine.

"Ready?" She asked, turning to me.

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