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Years ago there was a beautiful princess who married a handsome prince. They were a very happy couple, and a few years after they had been married, the woman gave birth to a blonde haired princess. Now, this princess had a very sad fate ahead of her. A few days after she was born, the castle was raided by the neighboring kingdom. Her father, the king was wounded very badly, and her mother was captured. This left her with no one to take care of her. Everyone was so busy tending to the King and Queen's predicament that they forgot about the beautiful baby girl in the nursery. One night, and old woman, old enough to be the child's grandmother, sneaked into her room and laid a curse upon her.
"Your youngest child will become Queen after you, but she will have to fight through many hardships, temptations, and lost love. This will be ALL because of you. When you turn 30 you will be killed by your sister because of her greed. My darling, you will never become Queen!"
There was a maid walking by the door when this happened and she laughed to herself because the child had no sister, in fact, she had no siblings at all. The curse wouldn't be carried out! Little did that innocent maid know that this was only the beginning of a story that had no end.

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