Police Station

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A.N. Hello everyone ! Sioux here with another fanfic haha. It's 2 am and I have school in 6 hours but I'm here to deliver you the first chapter of a criminals mind fic :D I'm super excited about this I love CM SM ! Hope you enjoy ! xx

Disclaimer: I do not own the original characters ( Aaron hotchner, spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, etc ) only Dean,Ron, and Amelia and a few others as the story goes on. I will stick to the bases of the show but try to put a twist in the plot so it isn't too boring...

"BAM!" is the noise that was made from the cop hitting the table in aggression. "Tell me how you did it! I know it was you who did it Amelia!" Ron shouted at me with his projectile spit coming out much like a vicious pit bull. My body shivered at the name Amelia. He knew I hated the name but still called me that.

What a ignorant idiot.

Amelia. Only 2 people called me by that name the woman who gave birth to me- I dare not call her my mother- and Dean- the other officer in the room with me who I cared for. Dean went up to Ron and whispered something in his ear. Probably something along the line of 'calm down you're acting like a fool' but who knows?...

"Well obviously you have no evidence so I can go." I say while getting up. "and also What kind of idiot would I be shooting someone in broad daylight? That screams incoherent. I didn't do it." I practically rant folding my arms. While I'm here the idiot is getting away. A couple moments passed and then there were four taps on the double sided window.

"Oh no." I close my eyes in disbelief.  I would know that taps from anywhere. It's what Aaron aka Hotch aka the leader of the team of the FBI always does whether he realizes it or not.  Ron went out the door to see who was behind the knocks as I was right behind before Dean got in front of the door.

"Sorry but your not leaving. Ron would have my head." I looked up to face Dean- considering he was a couple feet taller than me- with puppy dog eyes. "Oh come on old friend." I say lightly punching his arm in a friendly way. Luckily Dean and I grew up together. We were close at the time. Being older than me he got a job first which meant money. It wasn't much but it was enough to get him by. He would always take care of me and get me food or clothes. He wasn't like the others he was genuinely sweet and the closet thing I had to a brother or parent for that matter. The only thing was after high school he came into some money and went to college while I wasn't so lucky and joined the so called 'dark side.'  Being on the street I didn't really have a choice.

"I have a job I need to do. Go sit down." He gestures toward the chair.

I roll my eyes at his statement and take a seat. After a couple of minutes I saw Dean check his watch. I knew he was wondering about where his partner had gone.

"The knocks were from someone named Hotch." I tell Dean confidently but yet stare at my crossed legs that were now resting on top of the table casually. "He's part of the FBI. They're gonna wanna help you on this case." I state giving a smirk well knowing the reason why Ron was taking so long. Ron barely lets Dean help there's no way he's going to be happy about the FBI stepping in. He was probably having a tantrum as we speak.

Which I would've paid to see...

Dean was about to respond but the door opened wide as my eyes did the same. In through the door came a strong muscular man and I knew exactly who it was, Derek Morgan. I had a file on every one in their ( FBI ) little group. After they almost caught me on multiple occasions I thought I would see who my enemy's were.

Derek was my second favorite if we were being honest. What I liked about him was he didn't beat around the bush if he wanted you to talk, you some how ended up talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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