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I am no expert, I don't study philosophy or spiritualism, I don't claim to have all the answers of why things are the way they are. I am simply a regular human being, just like the very people that are reading this book. I am a young, working class woman, I am what society considers low class. I don't make millions, I'm still paying on my car, I don't even own my own home. I live day by day, and my daily struggles are more of contemplating on weather I should pay my electric or feed my husband and I. I come from a low class family, so you can understand the pain of having to ask for help from the very people who need help themselves. It is hard living this way, but then I wouldn't have it any other way. Living this way has taught me a lot about life. I may not be blessed to have a very wealthy family, that help pay my way to the top, but the things I have learned, I probably would have never even knew if my life was that way. I feel that starting from the bottom give a new perspective on life that starting in the middle wouldn't. And to be honest I am proud of having to start out from the bottom.
Life happens on its own, it has its own directions and turns. Its own twist and plot, whoever came up with the saying "Life is like a roller coaster" wasn't kidding. Life doesn't exactly go as plan, you think its going to happen one way and it can do the complete opposite. Think of life as Murphy's Law, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." Honestly, I think Murphy"s Law is the best explanation on life, but its not the important thing. I will talk more about that later in the book.
This book is going to discuss all kinds of topics from the daily struggle of life, to even conspiracy. No topic is out of bounds, this book is my mind, and my mind and thoughts are what has brought me through life. I do not expect everyone to understand, but either way I am happy with how my life is turning out and who I am. Whether you want to feel the same exact way about your life, it is up to you whether you keep reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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