Half Moon Investigations:There's No Turning Back

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Prologue-So What's New?

My name is Moon, Fletcher Moon. I'm a P.I. trying to find his way in this world. Oh and did I mention that I'm 12. Yep, I'm a detective and I have the badge to prove it. Red and I were working your average stolen cookies case when our lives started to get complicated. Really complicated.

Chapter One-Beginning of the End

I look back and wonder how I got myself into a situation like this. I was currently gagged and tied to a chair waiting for a daring rescue from my favorite, not to mention only, partner Red Sharkey. I don't know about you but not exactly a comfortable position to be in, especially when you've missed your potty break. But before I tell this story I have to start with our latest investigation...

Chapter Two-Life Couldn't Be Better

It was a normal summer's day. Blue skies, fluffy clouds, and of course green grass. School was almost out so of course business was booming. People were causing so much trouble these days we were busy all days of the week (I never work on Saturdays) . It was great. Now that I worked with Red we finished cases at 3 times the speed. With his good looks and reckless ability, and my ingenious and cunning we were an unstoppable force. It was too bad May still hated my guts. Now down to business. Our current case had something to do with whoever pulled the fire alarm during lunch last week. It was a good paying case but we were ashamed. We were traitors working FOR teachers and AGAINST trouble making students. I couldn't believe we were doing this, but a job's a job. After checking out the attendance forms it was obvious who the culprit was though, Johnny "six toes" Williams. Sometimes this job is so easy it's boring. I just wish we had a more exciting case to work. And god knows I've never gotten what I've asked for...Until now.

Chapter Three-The New Kid

I'd woken up on a fabulous (obviously I'm being sarcastic) Saturday morning to the sound of screeching tires. I glanced at my alarm clock to find out it was 6:20! Jeez! We detectives need our sleep too ya know. But this was suspicious. There was no mail on Saturday, not to mention the garbage truck doesn't come until Tuesday.

sorry I couldn't finish this chapter

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