Preview Nalia and the Rise of the Marés: Book 2

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Miles away, in the deserted outskirts in the Land of the East a crooked wooden shack stood on a lonely abandoned estate. Willcone Manor, as the estate was once called, had been the home of prominent family many years ago. Its windows had been left shattered and its front door unhinged. Lonely black feathered birds had built nests atop the roof, some having pecked their way through the tiles. Mice scurried along the ground edges desperately looking for food.  It was evident that no one had lived there for a very long time.

    Outside a thunderous storm ravaged through the sky. The lightening was the only source of light for miles. The estate was quite large consisting of mostly plane, untouched land. The nearest house wouldn’t be until the next town over. It was the perfect place to keep hidden the screams that were coming from inside. If a passerby did perchance come near the estate, the muffled shouts would easily be drowned out and confused for the wind.

    In one of the dark looming rooms inside, Lord Barron sat as his anger raged.

    “What happened? You were to finish her!” Lord Barron spat through gritted teeth.

    “I am trying my Lord…b-but she is v-very pow-powerful,” the maré said in a shattered voice.

    Lord Barron began pacing around the room, his hands stretched across his head. There was only a dim amount of light inside the room from the one lantern in the corner. The maré was slumped on an old velvet chair trying to focus all his attention.

    “Well then, if we can’t kill her in her dreams we will get her another way,” Lord Barron said in a low whisper.

    “And what about the girl’s mother?” the voice came from one of the dark corners. He was pointing to a woman in chair who was covered by ropes.

    “We will have to be patient. We will use her when the time is right. But for now we wait.”

    “Why wait! Let us kill her now!” the man in the corner yelled. His voice was marred with madness and revenge. His hand was on the blade ready to go in, but he headed Lord Barron’s warning.

    The woman’s neck was beating through the rope that had been used to tie her body to the wooden chair.

    “If you lay a hand on her I will kill you!” the woman cried out.

     Lord Barron’s laughter echoed through the cracking walls.

    “Do you think you have any power over us? You won’t be able to save her the way your father did you, Abigail.”

    Abigail, wrestled to get out of the chair tipping it over to the floor. She hit the ground hard her tears and sweat soaking the floor.

The man in the corner had now moved in close. He leaned down on the floor twirling the blade against Abigail’s skin breaking it just a little. “Well if we can’t kill the girl we’ll just have to get her attention some other way,” he said.

    Abigail tried to focus all her thoughts on Nalia. She could see her in her mind. It was the hope of seeing her again that kept Abigail fighting and holding on for dear life.

    “I will give you anything you ask for! Just leave her out of it!” Abigail pleaded.

    “Can you turn back the wheels of time and bring back what I have lost?” Lord Barron said furiously. “Not even you can bring back the dead Abigail. Where was the great Land of the North when we needed their help? My daughter died cold and alone. Do you think you can repay what that’s worth?” Lord Barron now had his back turned against Abigail.

    The man with the blade approached her again holding tightly to her neck. Something about Lord Barron’s words had set him off and his eyes were like a lighted match. Abigail tried to take in bits of air as she felt the man’s fingers tighten around her neck. Tears soaked her face as she tried to let out a scream.

    Lord Barron turned around grabbing on the man who’s hand was around Abigail.

    “She’s no good to us dead! You must control your anger. You strike only on my word. No sooner.”

    The man reluctantly let go of Abigail’s neck. The maré was still on the couch in fear of watching the scene unfold. 

    As Abigail reclaimed her breath she screamed as loud as she could, but she knew that it would be drowned out by the thunder within seconds. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2011 ⏰

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