Chapter 1

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"So, what are you wearing for your Halloween costume?" my best friend, Brooke, asks as we lye on the floor of my purple room miserably. It's Sunday afternoon, the weather is getting colder, our sophomore year just started recently, and we are already tired of all of the school work we've received. And quite frankly, I am not starting off my school year too well.

Being on the soccer team at school as well as maintaining a full schedule of honors classes, bucket loads of stress are weighing down my mind so carelessly. I feel as though I am about to explode any minute, leaking the entire mess of anxiety that is building up inside of me.

I can't stand soccer anymore. I have been involved in it for my entire life, and I've always loved it. But once I broke my shin during my first year of travel soccer in the fall of my eighth grade, everything changed. I just wasn't myself anymore. There was no motivation, but there was plenty of fear. I built myself back up pretty decently for the high school season of Freshman year, but then it became to stressful; I wanted so badly to quit. Now I am on varsity, but I am having ankle issues. And you know what? I'm happy about it. I'd rather be hurt than have to deal with the worries fluttering within me every single day. And I'd do anything to get my heartless coach off my back.

My coach is so mean. He runs us until we're literally on the ground puking, and then some more. I know he wants what's best for the team, but he provides no support what-so-ever. All he does is scream until we reach our breaking point. There are so many people ready to quit, and I have decided that I am one of them. I am not dealing with him any longer after this year. It isn't worth it since I'm not even into the sport nearly as much as I used to be.

As for my grades, well...It isn't that they are too lousy or anything. I have all As and Bs, but my life consists merely of: School, soccer, homework, sleep.


Nice life, huh? I actually am thrilled to have a hurt ankle now. Although I still must attend the stupid pracices everyday after school and serve as the team manager...

Anyways, enough about my problems. "I was thinking of wearing that pink and black striped dress that's strapless on one side and goes over the other shoulder. You know...the one I wore in Point Pleasant for like a minute and then ripped off?" I giggle, remembering our trip to Point Pleasant, a beach in New Jersey, during the summer with our other best friend, Brittany. We had such a great week full of beach time, tanning, long nights, junk food, the boardwalk, and boys.

Brooke looks up from her phone with a smile. "I know the dress," she confirms, shimmying herself against the wall to sit up straighter. "What kind of shoes?"

I think for a moment. Hmmm...What would look Jersey-Shore-ish? I am being Sammi Sweetheart for Halloween, so I gotta fit the part! "Maybe those high-heeled boots?" I asked, too lazy to get up and show her the pair of black, silky boots from my closet.

Brooke looks up in thought. "That could definitely work."


I look over to where Brooke's iPhone vibrated on the floor as she picks it up and unlocks it, sliding her finger across the screen and typing in her password. Her eyes skim a message. "It's my mom," she says while texting back quickly. "I have to go...We're eating an early dinner because my sister has to go to choir practice at five."

"Okay," I say, feeling dejected. Whenever I am left alone or without plans, I start dwelling on dumb things that make me upset or nervous. Especially on Sundays. I always have been a victom of the Sunday Blues. "See ya tomorrow." I hug Brooke and walk over to my bed. Letting myself fall back on the pillows and blanket, I grab my phone and unlock it, checking my messages. None. "Of course..." I mumbled sadly as I flip on the television and watch Hannah Montana. I swear, I'll never get tired of Disney Channel.

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