Broken Hearts And Not-so-Evil Plots

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Julianne Taylor is a pretty, friendly and a fun loving gal. She also happens to be in love with her boyfriend for a year and a half, Hudson Reed, who cheated on her for the gorgeous, popular and (unfortunately) kind Cara Foster who seems to be unaware that Hudson already has a girlfriend (making it harder for Julianne to hate her)


Upon finding out about this, Julianne’s love for Hudson was quickly replaced with anger, hatred and hurt, and she is now seeking for revenge.


One day, much to her surprise, she stumbled upon Dylan Adams, a kind of nerdy guy who can be a tad bit socially awkward at times. And more importantly, he’s the ex of Cara.


As they got to know each other more they realized they had two big things in common; a burning hatred for their ex, and a desire to seek revenge for what they did. So they did the most rational thing to do in this kind of situation,


They teamed up.


But between all the broken hearts and not-so-evil plots (hey they aren’t evil geniuses, don’t judge) plus a blooming friendship occurring, will something more come out of these two so-called “masterminds”, or will partners in crime all they’ll ever be? And will they succeed or will they be caught?



Umm... I'm not sure with this story... should I?

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