The great escape chapter one

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You left me to the darkness they found me and now I am a demon just like them I was once just like you but that all changed when I met Alison she showed me a new way of living and this is my story.

1000 years ago a demon lord named freak just vanished in the middle of the world war we had no idea what happened we thought we had won and that's when I met Alison she and I devoted our lives to finding and destroying these foul beasts that were left on this earth. But then along a way we met a demon who was son of The Lord of deceit and he told us he would return to the living and turn all who appose him into demons and we all will be his army. I'd had enough so I drew my sword and screamed as I swung it back "shut the fuck up your lying we will destroy you and you kind" but before I swung my sword I felt a sharp pain it was Alison she had pushed her dagger into me as she laughed with her now glassy black eyes and whispered "sleep well reap you will make a fine demon". I tried to speak but nothing... Everything went black and I was no longer contious to save myself.

The next morning I woke up in pure shock to find I was not dead but something was happening to me I was hungry but not for food but blood and destruction I tried to fight it but it was no use no matter how hard I tried I still drank the blood of my friends that they had taken and needed more. I was powerful I could feel it I was faster and I was loving it but I refused over and over to fight for freak.

I had always thought Alison and I were friends and were going to never find defeat we made quite the team she had always been there but why and when was she turned I couldn't believe it no I just can't its impossible... Thud!... "So how are you big boy" says Alison I'm speechless as to what to say and she laughs and says "what can't you work it out tehe he's my son my lover is The Lord of deceit" I now gasp at the realisation that my partner for all these years was evil but it mad no sense. why would she employ me as a demon hunter when she is a demon herself.

She opens my cell and walks in and tells the guard to lock her in she comes closer to me and I move back and scream "stay away from me what have you done to me"? She ignores my question and moves closer she she pushes me against the wall with amazing strength and grinds up against me and whispers "I'm gonna teach you a lesson for being so defiant!" She then releases me and pulls my pants off and starts sucking my cock and then... Crunch she bites down hard and start lapping the blood up with her tongue and mouth. She then gets back up after catching most of the blood with her mouth and hold the bite mark tight and tells me to drink her blood and that it will heal me but only demon blood could do so... I bite into her neck and start sucking the blood out in a matter of second I am healed. She then turns away and says "be a good boy my pet ill be back to teach you soon you are becoming a fine demon now sleep well keheh."

I now fall asleep and wake up after what felt like days but I wake to this strange feeling this burning urge to kill and drink every demon in here dry but I ignored it there was no way I could feed on any of my own kind I had become a monster who could barely control him self but I felt so indestructible and I need freedom so I start planing and counting the days I was waiting for my opportunity finally 3 weeks pass and I here an unfamiliar set of foot steps its my lord himself and Alison.

The Lord grabs me by my hair pulls me to my feet and throws me into the guard and tell them "take him to the arena were going to have fun today I'm going to teach this insolent disgrace a lesson for killing my people and kidnaping and brain washing my queen into killing our own." Hissed the lord of deceit. Before I could say anything one of the guards knocks me out.

several moments have passed and I'm awoken by the sunlight and its burning my hand making my skin bubble and rot away I try to move only to find I am bound, I struggle, I kick but nothing, I can't get free I start screaming and all I hear is laughing and cheering as I have a bolt shot straight through my left knee. Suddenly I hear the click of a second crossbow I clench my eyes shut tight and my fists knowing that it will hurt. I sit there for what felt like forever but nothing, I slowly open my eyes to see to my surprise a woman standing over me with a caught bolt in her hand she cuts me loose and asks can I walk, I mutter and mumble "who are you, does it look like I can walk?" Right then I hear that familiar laugh... "Alison!?"No it couldn't be. She wanted me dead, she's The Lord of deceits lover and the mother of their son why was she doing this for me, saving me, a mere piece of meat and entertainment for these foul creatures. "Reap are you going to get up or just sit there we have no time to waste" explains Alison. "I need a hand to walk" aha o course but put your gear on first but hurry we dont have much time the lords men are reloading and awaiting orders to shoot and kill. she throws me my sword and old leather and chain mail armour with gloves and a hood and tells me to make sure the sun light doesn't touch me because I am still weak and will just burn away. I nod and she pulls me to my feet and makes a bird like call out of no where assassin looking men jump from the darkness an start fighting she lets me go and tells me to keep going while she takes care of the men flooding out the arena doors I stagger on and come across two guard pointing there lances at me I swing my sword across both lances and hop quickly close to the first guard I pull my dagger and stab him in the sweet spot the guard screams and is about to drop but before he has the chance I hold him up and use him as a human shield the second guard screams, drops his weapon and run puzzled I drop the first guard and then I feel mass amount of shaking on the ground I turn to see a large dragon like creature. I put my guard up and mutter out n n n nice d d d dragon! Alison and the assassins laugh one of the assassins jumps off the dragon and says "no need to worry this is my pet George"explains the assassin... I quickly inturupt with laughter and in historics I say "you called it George aha ha"laughs reap. he yells at me tells me to shut up and get on the dragon he helps me hobble on to George and we fly off. The head assassins introduces himself as master regitory he then further explains where we are going. "We are going to an ancient temple high in the sky we were minks that your friend Alison seeker out in hope to find a cure to this demon state but there is no cure but there is a way to make you be able to change mortal again so the sun does not bother you and you will still have all your demon powers" explains regitory. I simply nod and ask. "when can I get this ability to be human but demon all in one body?" The master ignores me and Alison tells me. "Be patient reap you will be like me soon and we can finish off the empire soon I'm sorry I did stabbed you but I had planned this from the day I met you I just had to wait for the right opportunity to do so because if you weren't like this we wouldn't stand a chance against the demon king when he rises once again." Alison continues explaining her much needed reasoning

finally we get to this sky temple it was like nothing I had ever seen before it was a whole flying continent miles above the ground with beautiful plains and trees nothing like earths surface.

The master tells us to get rest because I will need it tomorrow for we start training and we do the conversion I think to myself I better do as he says so I am shown to my quarters and to my discus the room is made of solid stone and gold. Although the bed was stone it was yet some how the most comfortable bed I had ever slept in.

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