Chapter One

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"Save me!"

I woke up with a jolt, breaking out in a cold sweat. 'What was that....?' I shuddered. I stared into the darkness of my room. 'I can't seem to recall anything....why'd I wake up?' I turned over to the stand that held my phone, checking the time. 1:16 a.m. Without another thought, I set mydown and swiftly fell back asleep.

With a loud blare of the alarm, I shot out of bed. Immediately after doing so, my vision blurred and it was hard to stay steady. "Woah...woah..." After the dizziness had stopped, I quickly returned to my morning routine, eating a small and quick breakfast, doing my hair. I put on a Navy hoodie and black jeans. Being satisfied with my slightly messy hair and dark colour scheme of my clothing, a thought flashed in my head. 'What time is it?' Reaching into my hoodie pocket, only to feel nothing. Alarmed for a good solid 6 seconds, realizing the alarm was still going off in the bedroom. Sighing, I went to go fetch it.

"Why are you so late? Tsk tsk tsk..." A voice snickered, outside my door. "Shut up!" I hurriedly tossed my backpack over my back. "I'm coming...geez." Opening the door and soon locking it, I turned to see ...'it'. "Ohoho, why are you staring at me like that?" Cas slyly smirked, something that happens....pretty frequently. "We gotta go. We have like, 10 minutes until school starts." I say, quickly walking past Cas. "It's your fault that we're late bud." Cas stated, jogging to catch up with my fast pace.

Before I knew it, it was already 4th period. The teacher, Mr.Wock, was babbling on some poem that I could care less about. Dozing off, the classroom around me flashed into a white, blank room. My wrists seemed constricted, and breathing in stung. "Whuh?!" I jumped slightly, my sight quickly returning to the classroom. Mr.Wock had seemed to noticed, and said "Do you have something to say, Azu?" I shrugged. "Nothing, Jabberwocky." 'That's strange.....heh.' I brushed it off. Maybe Cas knew something.

Walking to the Cafeteria, I managed to spot Cas' black, spiky hair. "Hey!....." My voice quickly died down as there was a crowd. Cas' is up to it again. Wonder what its up to? "So is it....He or she...?" A male voice inquired. "Nah....I'm an 'IT'." Cas stated back, sounding way too cocky for its own good. I shoved my way up to the front, to see Cas with a sly expression and a male, it seemed, getting pissed. "There is no such thing as 'IT'. Its HE or HIM! SHE....or HER! What CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND?" His face started to get red. I started to step in before Cas starts ridiculing the kid. I...was kinda getting angry aswell. "Hey. You." The kid turns his attention to me. I walk forward and put my hand on his shoulder, as I was slightly taller. "Whether 'It' is a boy or girl, doesn't matter. Not to you in the least. Now piss off, before you get hurt." I added a dark tone to my words, as the boy got the memo and ran off. The crowd soon dissapated, with whispers of "Who is that?" "It? Strange..." "Seriously though, are they boys or girls?! I cant tell!".....

I could care less.

I settled with soy milk, pizza and fries. I have to say though, the food here is digusting. If I hadn't set my alarm so late, I would of packed my own lunch. As I walked out from the line, I turn to the large glass wall that illuminated the whole cafeteria. I see Cas has its face smushed up against the window, nose representing a pig. But its blue eyes somewhat reminded me of a puppy. "Obbbbaaaa herrrrrrrr..!" Cas exclaimed unto the window, causing the looks of passerby's. I know Cas didn't like waiting, so I walked oh so slowly, taunting it. Cas pouted, removing its face from the window. I opened the glass door and subtly greeted Cas. "Oh, right. Cas?" I began to explain what happened fourth period.

"So....kinda like Lucid dreaming? I thought you had to be in a deep deep sleep though." Cas furrowed its brows. It seemed to be pondering something. "I guess you're right...but the feeling..." "Oh? Feeling was what? Bad? Good? Tooooo good~?" Cas teased, but soon stopped, as I meant buisness. "Horrible could describe it. Everything was wrists burned, as if they were handcuffed....every breath of air I took stung, and my head was heavy. My hair was longer aswell. But...It felt like I had a void in my heart. Nothing was there. There was a little bit of anger and confusion, but either than that my mind was blank. Exhausted. Tired. All of this all at once." I nodded on and on. "But I'm surprised to catch all of this in that split second though. It experience." I added. "So I would say Lucid Dreams." Cas says. "Maybe....whatever. I doubt it'll happen again." I say, and Cas nodded. We brushed it off. We knew nothing. "So? Any...Gossip?" I say, breaking the silence. "Did you just....OH MY GOD. YOU ASKED ME ABOUT GOSSIP. DO I KNOW YOU?!" Cas exclaimed, eyes wide. "Hey shh! Damn, I should of never asked." I say, slightly snickering. "Nooo! Okay, but ya' know, there is AAALOT. Booyyyy..." And off Cas goes. "So like, there was this girl Amy, and she was talking smack, so-"

DING....! DING...! DING...!

      "Awww, already? Time flies when you talkin' 'bout dreams." Cas pouted, gathering its leftover lunch and throwing it away. It tore off a piece of sandwich and handed it to me. "You haven't ate though. Eat this on the way to 5th period, alright?" Cas said. Cas seemed to have a certain look in its blue eyes. Like something was troubling it. "Later!" It ran off with other students who had also been outside aswell, trying to get inside. I sat there, feeling the wind. "Its a nice breeze today....."

         'Though....was it just me, but those church bells seemed kinda...familiar? Like....I heard them before. Well, I have been in this highschool for quite a bit....but I feel as if I heard it somewhere else aswell...' I brushed it off and slowly walked to the crowded glass door, to 5th period.

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