Chapter 1

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   My opponent forced my hand back and my short sword flew out of my hand. I was about to lose, and I knew it. He knew it. He pressed his sword lightly against my neck and smiled mockingly. 
     "I thought the mighty Yáviel Eruanna never gave up in a fight like this, or was I wrong?"  He pressed his sword harder into my neck.
     "You are wrong." I said grinning, I pushed my knee into his stomach, forcing him backwards. He stumbled, and then quickly regained balance. I ran to my sword and slid to the ground to get it. I pulled myself off the ground and I continued in the fight again.
     "Trying to act tough, I assume." He hit my sword with a clank. I kept my shield close to my chest, daring not to move it away.  I hit back, aiming for his stomach. Missing his shield, my short sword jabbed into his ribs, which in a real battle, would kill him.
    "Very well done Yáviel! Next time, I just want you to work on to steady your position. As for you Andaer, I expect much more from you. "  Trainer Turwaithion said, taking a step back to the other nemendurs.
     "You just got lucky." Andaer snarled at me, "Don't expect to win every fight just because of this time. You shouldn't even be here, this is where the men fight. You don't belong."
     "Not quite like a man yourself." I told him. I hung up my armor and short sword in my cubby hole, then sat down on one of the benches made of wood built into the sides of the building.
     "Why don't you take a rest for a while? You did well today, so I expect you to have a nice rest go explore the kingdom." Trainer Turwaithion said, which startled me.
     "Like there is much to explore." I grunted and stayed where I was.
     "I want you in best shape for tomorrow, so as a trainer, I order you to go rest.
     "Fine." I agreed then walked out of the training center. The smell of the outside
just made me want to explore all of the outside of the Elven Kingdom. But, of course that thought was out of this world. No one was ever supposed to go unless on a quest, or, special business. I best be getting to Murr, I thought. I didn't want to be late for lunch with Tûrin, for I could set a bad example of myself. I scurried up the hill, away from the training center and headed out toward the cove. Trees of many colors consisting of orange, yellow, green, and red spun around in my eyes as I jogged, making a beautiful scene. My jogging soon turned into a slow walk once I arrived next to the water. The water was a pretty shade of grayish blue, and was still with nothing touching it. I let the tip of my foot glide over the water, and waited.  About a minute after, a path in the water started to form. The path of water turned into stone with every step I took, creating stepping stones over the pond. As I started to cross the pond, I noticed the plants dance around in the water around me. Wait, it was more than just plants dancing, I could see misformed shaped faces under the plants. These have to be the Plant Folk. But why are they here? Everyone knew that you can't cross kingdoms, Even if you tried you would get caught. But maybe they are in "the gang" that everyone is talking about. "The gang" is this one small group of people, some of every race; Elves, Plant Folk, Goblins, Wizards, and more. I bent down, touching the stone that was already forming under my gentle hands. I placed my hand into the peaceful, clear water and created ripples by bouncing my hand up and down like a child playing in a puddle.  Soon, another stone formed under my hand, making me unable to touch the water.
     "Yáviel? What are you doing? Don't you know elves aren't supposed to even try to touch that water?!" I flashed my head around at sat up quickly. It's just Thandiel. Just Thandiel. I thought, relieved. I knew she would never report me to the  tribe leader. The tribe leader would be at the top of the pyramid for my tribe, like many other tribe leaders that are spread over the elven kingdom.
     "I know I'm not, but it's no real harm. It won't even let me touch it!" I dipped my hand in, but the water continued to turn to stone.
       "It won't let you touch it for a reason, Yáviel!" She yanked my hand back from the water.  "If it did, you could have died! Haven't you ever heard the story about the elf boy that did?" Now, the story is from a long, long time ago, it was only to teach children a lesson to not go near the water. But then, one day, a child was roaming around and fell into the water.  Kids were told that plants from under the water came up and grabbed him until he drowned. So, King Thalion placed a spell over the water so no elf would ever go into the water again.
       "Yeah, I have heard the story, like a million times. But Thandiel, you have to understand that it's completely impossible to even touch the water, so I would never be able to get hurt." I dipped my hand in again, showing her that nothing was happening and it was just turning to stone. I stood up and looked up into the sky.
      "The sun says three o'clock if that's what you're wondering." Thandiel said, not looking at me.
      "Oh! I have to go, I'll see you later at Town of Nocte, right?"
     "Of course, I'll see you later."
I turned around and ran over the water. I could feel the stone beneath me spreading, making a hard substance under my feet, until the water came closer, and devoured me.

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