❣You Are My Sunshine❣

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You are my Sunshine...

"What the fuck do you want?" Her voice grumbled as he approached, her body leaning against the figure that sat next to her.

He cocks an eyebrow at her. "What does it look like?" He asks, arms crossed over his chest.

"Well," She sighs, stretching her arms tiredly. "It looks like you're bothering us." Tired eyes stared back at him.

He scoffs, shaking his head. "Do you really need to do this?" He asks suddenly.

There was a pause, and then a grunt as something hard hit his forehead. He blinks, rubbing his head where he was hit. "Again?" He grumbles, staring down at the shoe.

"Just go away Sam." She mumbles, curling further into the figure's body.

Sam sighs, picking up the shoe she threw at him. "I don't understand you two." He mumbles under his breath as he walks away, the shoe dangling from his right hand.

She rose an eyebrow at that, and looked up at the man who sat next to her. "...Neither do I." She says quietly, moving her head so it rested on the man's shoulder.

My only Sunshine...

He felt her move, her head resting on his shoulder; her words still hanging in the air around his head.

"Neither do I."

He sighs.

It brought little relief to him that she felt the same...That she didn't know where they stood.

He was sure he knew what he felt for her, no, he was positive he knew what he felt.

Then why was he so confused?

You make me happy when skies are grey...

"Sweetspark?" His mouth slams shut, his crimson eyes blinking from underneath the sunglasses he wore; mentally cursing himself for speaking.

"Hmm?" Tanya hums, lifting her head slightly off his shoulder to look up at his face. "What's up Cade?....I thought it was nap time."

A chuckle vibrated within the Ex-Con's throat, and he shook his head as he stared down at the girl by his side. "Never mind, Sweetspark." 

Tanya blinks, her tired eyes staring up at Barricade's holoform face. "Honestly, Cade." She shakes her head, lazily reaching a hand out towards his face. "I thought I told you no sunglasses when it's just the two of us." With a grunt she slowly took the sunglasses off his face, throwing them behind her. "I want to see your eyes, not some cheap ass sunglasses from Dollar General."

She took a moment to gaze at his face, but looked away before the accursed red glow formed on her cheeks. "There..that's better." With a nod, she returned to her previous position; her head resting on his shoulder.

You'll never know how much...

Barricade couldn't help the smile that stretched across his face, nor could he help the chuckle that escaped him. "My bad, I keep forgetting." Tanya merely grunts, her right arm unconsciously draping across his waste.

"And I thought you said it was nap time." She mumbles, a pout forming on her face.

"You are such a child sometimes." He silently muses before moving closer to Tanya.

"I did," He says. "But things seem to be getting in the way." His eyebrows furrow at this excuse for wanting to hear her voice.

"Well tell those things to fuck off." She grumbles, her arm tightening its grip. "Tanya want nap."

 After that he stayed silent; there was nothing more he needed to say. All he needed to do was relax, and enjoy being this close with her.

I love you...

Sam shakes his head as he watched the two interact.

"Shouldn't we leave them be?" Mikaela asks from behind him, eyebrows cocked. "It is their day off after all."

"I'm worried..." Sam mumbles, the frown on his face only becoming bigger.

"About what?" She asked as she came to stand by his side. "About Tanya? Or....?" He shook his head, his arms crossing over his chest.

"About them." Mikaela rose her eyebrows at her boyfriend, only becoming more confused.

"Why? You know Barricade would never hurt her. Sparky wouldn't let him."  

Sam shakes his head. "It's not that.."

"Oh?" Mikaela tilted her head, completely lost. "What is it then, Sam?"

There was a moment of silence until Sam spoke again; his voice firm and serious.

"What if he rapes her?"

The silence that followed was enough to kill.

"You idiot."

Please don't take my Sunshine away...


So...Barrianya anyone? OuO

This is just a little starter chapter for ya'll, the real stuff begins in the next, official, chapter o3o

And boy am I gonna have fun with Sam...

I'd never miss a chance to make him look stupid .3.

And my apologies if the cover looks blurry as frag >~<

Apparently it's illegal for me to have non-blurry covers *Rolls eyes*

But yesh...this is the first part to 'Will You Take My Hand My Love?'

And I am uber excited c:

What about ya'll? You excited too? x3

Dedication: CopperStorm

Thank you for all the help, and for everything in general my friend~ ^~^

Next chapter shall be coming soon...after I update THOF..lolz

~Till Are One:


~Ze Majestic Llama~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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