25 Facts

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Assalamu alykoum!

1. My name is Rhonda. It's actually a Welsh name. It means "good spear". I have no idea how that connects to me, but maybe I'll find out some day, in sha Allah.

2. I converted to Islam on June 6, 2011 by myself. I was 13 almost 14 at the time (my birthday is June 22).

3. In March I took an ancestry test to see what exactly I am and the results surprised me. I thought all my life that I was just European and Native American. But I'm more than that. I'm Scandinavian (Norway, Sweden, etc), Irish, British, Eastern European (Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, etc), Jewish (Israel), Western European (Germany, France, etc), Italian, Greek, Middle Eastern, Central Asian (Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, etc), Spanish, Indian, and Native American. If you don't believe me, I will gladly send you pictures of my results :)

4. I love to learn languages. It's my true passion. I speak English fluently. Since I've grown up around Spanish my whole life, I can understand it really well, but I suck at speaking it for myself. I'm learning Spanish at the moment. I took 4 years of French in high school, but I forgot a lot of it. I'm also learning Arabic, Hindi, Farsi, and German.

5. I'm 18 turning 19 on June 22 next year.

6. The first book I published on here, "Alina Kanaan", took me a long time to write. I came up with the idea when I was 12. I wrote a version of it in a notebook, but then I stopped when I was almost finished because I didn't like it. So for years I kept rewriting it until I was happy with the version I wrote on here.

7. I'm currently in my first year of university. I'm a Psychology major and I want to minor in Spanish, in sha Allah.

8. I'm the only Muslim in my family, so sometimes I feel lonely being the only Muslim around. This has weakened my iman at some points in my life.

9. My friends have told me that I give good advice and that I'm really supportive. The problem is that I actually have to follow my advice.

10. Most of my friends are non-Muslim. Most of my Muslim friends are from the Internet.

11. I went through depression when I was 14 and 15. Those were the hardest years of my life. I lost a lot of weight and began to lose interest in a lot of things. But the good part is that I learned a lot from it Alhamdulilah.

12. I'm the first in my family to actually go to university.

13. I won a writing award when I was 13. I wrote the best essay in all of Northern California (that's where I live). That really motivated me to write so much more.

14. I was bullied for most of my time in school indirectly and directly. I was made fun of and a lot of my "friends" talked badly about me behind my back.

15. My favorite food is pizza with olives on it. I also love most Italian food and Indian food the most. Give me some chicken tikka masala and I'll be happy :D

16. When I'm feeling down, I listen to Islamic speakers like Norman Ali Khan or others. They all motivate me to become a better Muslim Alhamdulilah.

17. I'm the shortest person in my family. My mom and grandma are even taller than me! My brother who is only 13 is already so much taller than me! I got the short gene.

18. I love reading!

19. I have always wanted to travel around the Middle East! In sha Allah I get to do so one day!

20. I love making people feel better. It's just amazing!

21. Even though my family isn't Muslim, they still don't drink alcohol or smoke. They used to, but they have learned the consequences. So, I grew up not wanting to do that stuff even before I became Muslim.

22. I hate pork! Before I became Muslim I used to hate the taste. If you're a born Muslim, you're not missing much.

23. I consider myself 95% vegetarian because the only meat I really eat is chicken. I don't even have it that often either. I do have beef once in a blue moon, though.

24. My favorite colors are purple and green.

25. Whenever I read about the Prophets, I literally picture those times in my mind and secretly wish I was there or that I could time travel to see what life was like.

Thanks for reading through my random facts!!!!

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