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Prologue- Posieden's Point of View

My daughter is now seven months old. Time seemed to fly when I was with her and Sally. I did not find out about Persephone until she was almost three months. How did I not notice my girlfriend pregnant?

Oh yeah. Zeus, my dramatic little brother who always gets his way.

Persephone was so beautiful. So innocent. She could not know of the worlds around her, the war her own family has with each other.

I stopped in front of an apartment building. I stood there for a few minutes trying to get the courage to walk inside. When it came to me I stepped inside the building. When reaching the correct door I knocked. A brunette with wavy hair opened the door. Her brown eyes twinkled as she saw me.

"Poseidon." She said with great enthusiasm. A grin made its way onto her face.

"Sally." I gave a sad smile. She opened the door as an invitation. I glanced around to see the apartment clean. I could hear Persephone playing in her room.

"You're here early. I thought the solstice meeting would last longer. Is something wrong?"

Sally was one of the few mortals who could see through the mist. She knew about me being a god, it was one of the things that drew me to her. Clear sighted mortals was not unheard of, but they were still rare. There were only a few born in each generation. Sally knew that Persephone was powerful from the moment she opened her eyes. She was also very intuitive for a mortal. I could never get a lie past her. I have spent enough time with her for her to know I am troubled by something.

"Zeus has passed a law. We are not allowed to have any contact with our demigod children. I cannot interfere with our daughters' life. I must go back to Olympus, and I cannot come back."

She looked at me sadly before nodding her head. She knew this could... No, she knew it would happen when she got involved with me. "At least say goodbye to Persephone."

Of course I would say goodbye. This will the last time I see her in person until she becomes of age. I could only watch from afar. I walked to her crib. Persephone was leaning against the bars, holding herself up. She looked at us with those bright sea green eyes.

"Hey princess." I picked her up. "I'll miss you." She made one of those baby gurgling noises.

I was so happy when I found out I had a daughter. After the pact I never had demi-god children. Persephone is the first mortal child I have actually had in centuries. In fact, she is the first daughter I've ever had. I felt tears rise, but I kept them in. "I will be in here." I pointed to her heart and her head. She giggled. Persephone grabbed my finger in a tight grip. "Persephone Hestia Jackson. I am proud to call you my daughter." I whispered this softly into her ear. She gave me a bright smile, like she knew what I was saying. I whispered so soft that Sally didn't hear me.

I passed Persephone to Sally and walked swiftly out the door. Everything in me was telling me to go back and tell Zeus what I thought, but I couldn't. I continued to walk until I was across the street. When I reached the crosswalk I looked back.

Sally and Persephone were both looking at me from the window. Sally picked up our daughters hand and waved goodbye.

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