Chapter One

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The bright green grass was soft beneath my bare feet. The ocean sang a queit song in the background as I trodded to the Justice Building. It had been so quiet. No one said much to me; they only gave sad smiles. 

A figure waited for me at the bottom of the Justice Building stairs, his shaggy hair blowing in the breeze. As I neared, he looked up at me. I took in that look on his face. I could tell he was worried about me, though I would be worried too if I were him. Even I knew that I had changed in just a couple days; everyone knew.

"Are you going to be okay?" His voice was almost silent. I closed my eyes and gave a small sigh before giving him a slight nod. I slipped on my shoes and he took my hand and held it tight as we walked up the stairs of the Justice Building. 

Inside a family stood. A tear glistened on a young boy's face as he stood as close to his mother as possible. She held him close to her body, as if it would keep him from going away. His father stood tall next to his mother, trying to look fine, but I knew he wasn't.

A Peacekeeper stood at the door silently watching us. I had always thought they were good, until now. I knew they were just as bad as their employers; evil, mean, and nothing but that. They were just bad as the Games they helped run. 

A door on the far end of the room opened and the mayor stepped into the room. He looked just as down trodden as the rest of us. He held his hands in front of him, one cupped under the other. "I am so sorry to see you here today. I wish that this day was just skipped every year, it is just too sad. Maybe one day they will eliminate it, but until they do, we must go through this.

"Miss See, your sister's coffin is on the left. Mrs. Lange your son's coffin is on the left. From this point forward the body is yours, you may do what you want. You may bury it in the District's main cemetery or have a grave of your own. All cemetery fees will be waived since they were killed in the Games."

Mrs. Lange gave a slight nod before stepping toward her son's coffin. "I am so sorry for both losses and I hope neither family will have to contribute to the Games again. Have a good rest on the day." He gave us a nod and turned to go to the door again.

"Does he even care?" I said under my breath as I stepped towards my sister's coffin. Jared dropped my hand and went to the other end of the coffin. I positioned my hands under the top, then looked over at Jared. "One, two, three, lift." he mouthed. We lifted the coffin up and off the metal frame it was sitting on. I retreated to the door. The Peacekeeper held the door open for us as we walked out the door. His deep blue eyes stared at me as a passed.  I looked at him for a second before turning my head to look at the stairs. 

I carefully set my foot down one stair, over and over, until Jared and I had reached the bottom. An old fishing supply truck sat in the tiny parking lot. We slid the coffin into the back and secured it down the floor so it wouldn't slide around. Jared took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the two doors. I slid into the passanger  side and clicked in the belt. 

"It was really nice of Ramez to let us use the supply truck." I said, trying to start a conversation.

Jared nodded and started the ignition. There were few people in the District that even knew how to drive a car, many hadn't even been in one, but Jared had learned to drive early from his father, the previous supply manager. I had only been in a car a few times, but it was only when I was stationed at the far shore, which wasn't often. The far shore wasn't used much because the sea was normally rough and there was  less room to stand and fish. We could only use boats at the far shore, but because of the rough waves we couldn't use them much.

The truck stopped and I looked out the window to see my house. It seemed so lonely now that I was the only one left. The thin drapes were all shut. I wouldn't be too surprised I was relocated soon since I was alone. There were families growing that would need a bigger house like this one, plus three bedrooms was too much for one person. The car door slammed and I looked to my left to see that Jared had left the truck and had gone to prep the coffin to be taken into the house. I slid out and closed my door and walked up to my porch and opened the front door as wide as  it would open and propped it open with a chair leg.

Jared had already slid the coffin halfway out and was waiting for me to help him bring it inside. I grabbed the other end and helped him carry it in and set it on the kitchen table. It seemed like an odd place to put it, but I didn't know where else to put it, there was no good place to put a coffin, except in the ground, but it was getting too late to bury her. 

I heard thetruck start outside and I turned to look out the open door to see Jared leaving in the truck.

He had changed too.



I havenot been on or written atall in almost two months, but I found a new writing program  (ZenWriter) and was inspired to write a little. 

'The Rebellion' is just a working title for now, and I will probably change it soon. After you have read some more of it, I would love to know if you have any title ideas!

Also, check out @rosewhite98 for some other great Hunger Games Fan Fictions. She also won my character contest and her character, Alexandria, will be showing up soon! 

Stay tuned for more chapters and I hope that you will like the second installment in my Hunger Games Fan Fiction series!

~Ella Rosewood

PS: My space bar is a little sticky at the moment, so if there are words stuck together, that is why. I tried to catch all the problems, but I may not  have.

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