How am i ever going to do this Week 2-3

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"Beep beep beep"
Becky and Jesse wake up
They sit up and kiss"
"Mm hold on Jess"
"Beck You ok?"
" ya um I just don't feel great"
Runs to the bathroom
Becky dry heaves and vomits nothing but water into the toilet.
Jesse knocks on door
"Hey babe you ok"
(Becky pants)
"Uh yea Jess I'm fine"
"Beck do you have the flu or stomach bug or something because you've been sick for the past few days"
"No Jess I'm fine I'll be out soon"
"Ok well I'm gonna go see what's for breakfast"
(Becky thinks to herself.
Oh my god he's right.
Becky Goes down to drug store and buys a couple Pregnancy tests.

When she gets home she was about to get an apple but she ran to the bathroom and threw up the chicken that Danny cooked for dinner last night then she found out.
She was pregnant.
"ugh why did I eat all that last night? "
Knock at door
"aunt Becky?"
"Mmmmm ya Steph?"
"Are you okay? "
No I'm just not feeling well today"
"Can I get you anything?"
" may.."
Becky didn't get to finish her sentence because she threw up again. "
Oh god I have to tell Jess before I start to show.
Becky Goes downstairs and finds Stephanie and Jess sitting at the table studying
"Hey Steph can I talk to your uncle Jesse for a second alone?"
Stephanie goes into the living room
"Hey Jess honey I have some news"
"Ya beck"?
"Honey I'm pregnant."
"Well that's fantastic.. Wait what?"
"We're having  a baby!! "
"Whoop!! "
"Becky's having a baby everyone!!!!!!"
Thats great
( whole family comes down)
"After congrats from everyone I was gonna suggest ice cream but I felt sick again. "
"Aunt Becky? "
Becky looks up from her magazine.
"Deej why are you crying.?"
"Sweetie come here"
"I just threw up and my stomach hurts"
"OK well what did you eat for breakfast"?
"Alright go ahead and eat something and drink A lot of water."
"Thanks aunt Becky your gonna be a great mom soon"
Becky smiles and just as DJ leaves the room she throws up again in the toilet.

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