Set Things Straight

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"You see the problem is that god gave the man a brain and a penis but only enough blood to run one at the time." -Robin Williams.

YOU SEE THAT!!! That. My friends. Is true. Sorta. Look it up. Documentaries, university PhD's.

I am not sexist but a feminist. A real one! I believe we should have complete equality. So many woman think themselves higher than other genders especially towards males. Some 4ft tall girl thinking she scan beat up a 6'5 so many 'manners' or ways you should treat a lady. Pull my chair out, I expect you to pay for the check, open the door for me, agree with me and do as I please. YOU AREN'T THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND!!!

My goal here is to express as much sexism  in the fictional story from a female dominated world that you will not keep on doing it in the real world. Its okay that two have roles but the fact that when I tell you someone pulled out a chair for their date 95% of you will imagine a man pulling out a chair for a woman is what I want to change. I want it to go to 50%. You get me? I want equality. I am against sexism especially towards men from females. 

The fact that a man goes to jail for hitting a woman. But a woman hits a man and everyone secretly tells him.

Man the fuck up. Pussy.

Why cant a girl pull a chair out for a guy without him feeling humiliated or de masculine?

Why cant a girl act like a gentleman? Is there even a word for that? Tell me if there is. Because Gentleman means a chivalrous courteous and honorable man. While lady means a formal way to direct to a female. What do we call a woman that acts like a gentleman? Chivalrous, courteous and honorable woman. A SoftMadam? Is there a word for it?

I feel that in this world there was enough of a male over powering females and not enough of the other way around so thats why I write these short scenes. Where it is dominated by females and the way I think it would be if it was ruled by it in a fiction way. It is against what I believe threw the basic psychology of the genders so this isnt how I imagine it in reality but just in a humorous fiction! This does not mean you should treat men or any other gender lower than the female one even though scientifically I think in the future we wont need men. Maybe just a few to keep humanity going. But in this story you will see that they truly believe that females are better than males.

"One head is better than two."

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