Chapter 1. Plans

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Jasmine Pov:

I was walking towards the Watson's house because I had to see Lindy. I had great news and I couldn't wait to tell my best friend. I had already text her a few times, but she didn't answer. I was wondering why she didn't. Maybe she just didn't check her phone or she was busy. It didn't matter what she was up to as long as she made time for me. I couldn't keep it for myself. What just happened was... It was weird and unexpectedly but it was something good, I think. I was a little torn, though. Somehow a part of me wasn't too happy about what happened. I doubted my feelings. Something didn't feel right.

I entered the basement a few minutes later and was surprised to see Logan sitting there behind his drums. He was playing and I watched him. Because I loved the way how he totally lost himself in the music. He looked so happy, he had this cute wide smile on his face. His smile made me smile too. My heart was beating whilst along with the drums. I never had this feeling before. I felt a weird attraction to him. It was a kind of gravity.

It was probably all in my head. I mean I knew him since forever... I even had seen him playing the drums before. I was just overreacting because of what just happened. At least I think...

Logan stopped playing and I clapped. I mean it was amazing, without any doubt. He was a little shocked to see me there in the doorway watching him. "Wow, Jaz. How long have you been here?" he asked while he catched his breath. "Not long, but you were awesome!" I said with a big smile and he answered it with a smile of his own. "Thanks, I was just jamming. But what are you doing here? Not that you're not welcome of course" "I came here to see Lindy, I have to speak her about something and since she didn't answer my texts I decided to come see if she was home" "Oh well than I think I have to disappoint you... She's away with our parents, I don't know where." he said while he looked sorry for me. "And have you any idea when she will be home?" I asked, I had to see my best friend right now. I could go to Delia too but I knew she was having a family night and I didn't want to bother her. "I have absolutely no idea, I'm sorry Jaz. Do you want me to tell her to call you or...?" he asked and I tried to not act too disappointed but I knew I was failing when Logan's eyes reflected my feelings in his eyes. How could eyes be so blue? Why haven't I noticed that before? "Yeah, thanks Logan. Stupid, I walked here. I should've known she wasn't home. I just hoped she was here cause I'm all alone and... Nevermind. I guess, I'll see you later." I sigh. For some reason I really don't want to go home. He saw me hesitating and proposed: "You could stay, I mean than you're not alone and me neither. I mean we are friends, why don't we do something together while waiting for Lindy to come home." He thought it was a great idea and I agreed. It would be nice for once to hang out with just Logan. I mean he was right we were friends, there was no way why it would be weird. "That's a great idea Logan. At least if you don't mind spending some time with me of course" I winked and it must've looked quite comic since he laughed. "why are you laughing?" I asked with a frown. "Because you're face was priceless, don't worry though it was cute" he said and I blushed a little. He just called me cute. He has never said that before. "And by the way I don't mind spending some time with you" he said showing me he really was into it. He sat down in the couch.

"So what are we gonna do?" I asked while I sat down next to him. "I don't know... We could go to Rumble Juice." he suggested but I nodded my head. "Sounds great but maybe, you know we could go watch a movie before" I had a little doubt he would like that plan. I mean it kinda sounded like a date and we were definitely not on a date. "There's this new movie I want to see and I would've gone with Delia and Lindy but..." I stuttered. I tried to calm myself down because this wasn't my normal behaviour. "Which one?" he asked not showing me if he was interested or not. "Rise of Doom" I said, blushing because I just knew he wasn't expecting me to say that. Rise of Doom is a new horror action movie with most scarriest effects ever! And I was dying to see it! I"m really into it. And I begged my girl friends to go see it together with me but they weren't really jumping to join me, if you know what I mean. I have no idea why I haven't asked Logan or Garrett before. I mean they were boys so they probably were willing to go with me! Stupid I hadn't really thought of that before.

"That new scaring movie?" he asked in disbelieve. Of course, he was shocked. He was my friend but he didn't know about this. There was just never the occasion to tell him I guess. Even though with a sleepover I was the one who preposed watching horror movies, I bet he forgot about that.

He didn't pick me as the girl who loves those things because of my looks. I mean I'm pretty girly and I love fashion. Not the type of girl you would expect loving scary things. I was not into all the teenage romance with vampires movies - even though the actors are so damn hot - I'm more into the cruel actions with a lot of blood.

"Yes that one. I mean I loved the previous one from that director and I've read some reviews and they were pretty good so I really want to see it. So do you want to join me or are you gonna let me watch it with your pour sister who hates everything that has to do with blood and murder?" I asked with a smile. Of course he would join me. Logan was the typical boy: layed back and very into blood and all of that. "I'm in. But please promise me you won't yell the whole time in my ear!" he said, and by the look on his face I could easily tell he had experienced that before - not with me though. "The first thing that scares me and makes me yell is still not invented" "Remember that dog from Fireman Freddy's... What's his name again, yeah right. Flamy" he teased. "Haha, not funny! Besides that's different! That dog is possessed by the devil!" "Yeah right" he said. He didn't want to argue with me. Good because I didn't want to fight with him either.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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