Chapter 1: Abduction and Surprising News

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A young girl sat on the top of the temple steps. Her family owned the shrine and many smaller ones. She'd always been told she was different, just not how or why she was different. That would soon change. And so would everything she knew about herself and her life. The day would come sooner tan she realized.

~Time skip to 10 years later~

"Bye!" Akira hollered to her friends as she parted ways, each heading to their respected homes.

As she made her way to the shrine, the place she called home, she felt like she was being watched. The feeling caused goosebumps to crawl across her flesh like spiders.

It also caused her to pick up speed, despite the fact she was a master in many types of self-defense, fully aware of the seemingly malicious presence following her

As she turned the corner, her knee length, sand colored hair whipping to side as her electric blue eyes scanned her surroundings for away to escape. She spotted an ally-way to her right, but before she could do anything, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind.

Her automatic response was to was to try and escape the arms that held her. But his only caused them to grow tighter, making her panic even more. "Stop struggling and I won't burn you onna." a annoyed male voice, belonging to her capture, growled.

Akira stilled instantly, not wanting to get burned. Why was this happening? Nothing bad has happened since her mom died and her dad began to beat her evey other day. Now this? Just what was going on? "Who are you and what do you want from me?" She questioned warily.

"I can answer that."another male voice came from her right. He had long, rose red hair, green eyes and porcelen skin."My name is Kurama, and the one behind you is my partner and friend Hiei. We were sent to get you and bring you to our boss, the prince of the spirit world." the red head, Kurama, explained, his tone gentle.

With that said, she felt a sudden burst of pain at the base of her neck before everything went black.

3rd person POV

The two males stayed silent as their boss scolded them fiercely Hiei was irritated while Kurama watched on, amused at the scene in front of him. "I told you to bring her here unharmed! Not unconscious!" the pacing baby shouted furiously at the two demons. Honestly, couldn't they be more gentle? Well, Kurama could. But Hiei? Not even if his life depended on it. He had just found out about his half sister the other day and had asked (more like ordered) the two to bring her here.

The baby formed prince stopped pacing to look at the unconscious form of the girl on the red satin couch. To think that this girl, his sister, was the result of his mother cheating on his father with a demon. A fox demon belonging to a clan that had the power to control the elements to be exact.

He resumed his pacing once more. "Thanks to your behavior, both of you, she won't be as trusting!" the prince finished his rant from earlier, his gold brown eyes gleaming with frustration and fury.

Hiei huffed, crossing his arms, not looking the least bit apologetic. Kurama, looked slightly apologetic, but it was ruined by the mirth filled chuckles escaping his lips. Neither of them had seen the baby prince so worked up over something like this in a long while.

A soft, almost silent, moan stopped the prince in his tracks and caused the three males attention to snap towards the the waking girl. Both Kurama and Hiei shivered at the sound that escaped the glistening lips of the girl.

However unintentional it was, that small, sound had both of the demons slightly hot and bothered. Thus, the shivers that crawled up their spines. They were young and healthy males (demon males) after all. Lord, if her silent moans affected them this much, how would she affect them when she woke up? They needed help big time.

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