Mysterious Mate (Forever)

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This is one of my first pieces of creative writing. i was actually pretty proud of it. hope you like it! :D Feedback would really be appreciated!!!!


I never thought my life would be this amazing. If you told the sixteen year old me; that in just three years I’d be married to a werewolf I would have called you crazy and phoned the nearest psychotic ward. But, here I am and I’m the happiest woman in the world.

I met him in my last year of high school; he had moved a month ago and worked in the store across from me. For a long time we had never spoken a word to each other but I could always feel his eyes on me. Those beautiful golden eyes I adore so much. It took three months for him to build up the courage to speak to me and when he did, all I could do was stare at him like he had done to me the past few months.

Another month passed before he asked me out on a date. It wasn’t your normal, go out for dinner and then a movie, sort of date. He took me for a walk in the woods; he said he wanted to show me something before we went any further. I was so puzzled, yet for some unknown reason I trusted him and I wasn’t going to pass up the excuse to stare at those wonderful eyes of his.

We walked for at least an hour just talking about how our lives had gone so far. He barely looked away from me, yet he knew exactly where to go. When we arrived, I was astounded at what I saw; he had set up a beautiful picnic under a stunning tree. He asked me to sit down and to not be frightened at what I was about to see; to give him a chance to explain before I ran away. Hearing him say this alarmed me a little but I still trusted him.  

I could not believe it when he started to strip! He got down to his jocks and asked me to turn around. Boy, was he well sculptured! Much to my disappointment, he asked me to turn around. When I turned back, he was gone. In his place stood the biggest wolf I had ever seen. I almost ran back the way we came but I remembered what he had told me. I waited, staring at what was before me.

Slowly, it walked toward me. I wanted to back away but I was so intrigued I let it walk right up to me. It put its head down in, what seemed like, surrender and I gently touched the fur on his head. I knew this wasn’t a wolf; we didn’t have them in Australia. I still had no idea what it was until I looked into its eyes. Gorgeous golden eyes stared back; the eyes I couldn’t look away from. Him! He was this gigantic wolf!

The wolf suddenly gestured for me to turn around yet again. I obeyed and when I turned back around he was standing before me, as beautiful as ever. Before I knew it he walked straight up to me and pressed his lips against mine. It was literally breathtaking! This marvellous being had just kissed me so passionately I had almost fainted!  

I stared into his eyes waiting for him to say something. ‘Thank you’ was all he said. For a long time, we just stood there staring at each other until I finally broke the silence, I couldn’t hold in the questions anymore.

He was so patient; he answered every question without hesitation. He told me what he was; a werewolf. What he could do and every little detail I had missed. He seemed quite astonished that I hadn’t gotten up and left. I still had that feeling that I could trust him and it grew each time he spoke. Even when he said something I didn’t want to hear, something that frightened me a little, I stayed and let him explain.

We were there for a long time, just talking. When we had finally finished, it was almost my curfew time. He walked me home holding my hand. I wasn’t scared in the woods, holding his hand made me feel safe.

His last words that night before he left were ‘forever’. It left me confused for a long time. I didn’t sleep that night, I thought about him, about what had happened that night and what he had meant when he said ‘forever’.

I understand everything now. Why he moved to my school, why he showed me everything that night, why he had waited so long to talk to me. I’m a werewolf too and we are mates; what humans call soul mates.

My werewolf. My Cameron. My forever. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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